Example sentences of "and i be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This man and me are after slaughtering a few trees out there . ’
2 Looking at the evidence leads many scientists to believe that God made the world , whereas other scientists look at the same evidence and believe that it all happened by chance and that the world , the solar system , you and me are all just the result of a lucky string of enormous flukes !
3 By then Keenan and me are pretty drunk ; and they keep stealing our bottle from the dressing room , so we 'd go across the street and get another jug .
4 By this time Keenan and me are really drunk and I said , ‘ Well , what are we waiting for ? ’ and we go over .
5 Ardneavie House is big — at least ten bedrooms — and Lucinda and Jane and me are on the top floor with the boat's-crew Wrens .
6 ‘ The rumours of a reconciliation between James and me are absolute balls , ’ Becky said .
7 Dolores O'Riordan and three other blokes and me are sitting in a van that 's parked in a yard behind Charlie 's Bar where later on The Cranberries will bring tears to the eyes of grown men and ensure that all present can say ‘ yes ’ when asked if their weekend was happy and filled with nice things .
8 My sister and me are very close , so this woman gave me a giro to go to my sister 's — they took me to the station and put me on the train .
9 Because , tomorrow … tomorrow , head , you and me are leaving .
10 You know like I say there is quite a lot of trust and erm I think Yona and me are sort of aware er we 're very much united in the feeling that we do n't we do n't want things to erm you know we want everybody to be involved and obviously different people have different things to offer .
11 He , I tell you want he does n't do , I should n't let you hear , but , when he , when him and me are arguing when we were younger , and me dad used to wind Colin up , and wind me up , and I 'd get madder and madder , and me dad used to love it .
12 Oh well if he wants to know why I 'm there and me are you off sick I shall just show him a I 've got proof that I 've been off sick .
13 Can I just go down the shops , Kelly and me are just going get something ?
14 What do you mean , Tony and me are in good health ?
15 Dad erm her and are gon na go there and you and me are gon na
16 Water to you and me is so ordinary .
17 But the problem between Penguin and me is that by diverging from normal paperback publication they created a problem . ’
18 you and me is n't on at the moment
19 Ken wanted to rake David to this thing on his own and David , being very , very cold — he hates demonstrations of emotion — and me being very Mediterranean , I told him that as far as I was concerned , I did n't give a fuck about his award or seeing him receive it , but I thought it was a bit much that his mother could n't be there because it was a public occasion and it was a time when , without having to speak to her , he could be nice to her , as every mother loves to be there for that kind of thing .
20 My servility to Sam and admiration for his strength had never stopped Jerry and me being the closest of the family .
21 We were on a cycling holiday and me being very interested in railways generally , liked looking over old stations .
22 She always turns the conversation away when Aunt Minnie starts about marriage and me being an old maid . ’
23 and me being a great innovator
24 And me being a silly idiot , see if I 'd realized I did n't think you do n't think that there 's three parts of the tank , you think it 's a tank and you just turn your tap on and the water comes out or
25 The essential difference between Sam and me was the fact that I took life seriously .
26 ‘ Basically , the thing that went down between Jon and me was more of a band kind of thing than anything really personal .
27 At times when I sensed that the gulf between Jean-Claude and me was so wide as to be almost unbridgeable , I would wonder how it was that our love-making had lost nothing of its fervour .
28 Well , Eb and me was n't that close .
29 Oh no but you had to because you felt that sort of there there was that bit between you and me was n't there ?
30 None of these special Cabinet committees really did anything : it did n't matter a damn that people like Wedgie [ Mr Benn ] and me were not on SEP [ Steering Committee on Economic Policy ] or OPD [ Oversea Policy and Defence ] .
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