Example sentences of "and have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The reality is that , from specialist beginnings , the range of skills required by actuaries is expanding continually — the reason being that the actuarial profession lives in a commercial environment and has to adapt continuously to changing circumstances .
2 He is n't allowed to play football and has to go back to the hospital for treatment .
3 For example , if a carer has a sudden illness and has to go into hospital , the Emergency Intervention Service can support someone in their own home or provide alternative accommodation in the community .
4 Craig 's father Robert says his son is still suffering from nightmares , and has to see a psychiatrist weekly for counselling .
5 One member of the party is selected as the defendant : he is told the outline of an alibi defence and has to fill in the details impromptu under questioning .
6 She has to climb the stairs with the aid of her husband and has to lie in bed in agony most nights .
7 By spreading total daily consumption more evenly , society reduces peak demand and has to devote less resources to building power stations whose number is determined by peak usage .
8 Because I believe that it is the women that goes through all the pain , suffering and has to carry the burden of the chance of getting pregnant which a man does not have for obvious reasons .
9 It often loses its grip on the ball of bedding along the way and has to regather the bundle .
10 The injustice to the home-owner is sometimes made worse by the fact that very often he has n't the money to pay for the repairs and has to borrow from the bank in order to pay the bill .
11 She 's on income support , and has to watch every penny she spends on heating .
12 We can imagine the dilemma that an individual might face if , for example , she works in the personnel department of an organisation and has to give redundancy notices to members of the same trade union .
13 Hay Lane in Swindon is full to capacity and has to turn families away .
14 The justification for using a hierarchy is mathematical , and has to do with the way in which the total variability of a collection is successively reduced as one passes from higher to lower levels in the hierarchy .
15 This principle in Hinduism is called ‘ Pancha Bhootas ’ and has to do with the five states of creative substances and their relationship to the five sensory faculties .
16 Application is an empirical evaluation based on teaching experience and has to do with the devising of effective techniques specific to particular circumstances .
17 One comes from theory , and has to do with ideas about the nature of language in general as a psychological and social phenomenon , internalized in the mind , externalized in social life .
18 Or maybe it 's simpler than that , and has to do with them seeing Tod in his natural environment , the doctor , the gatekeeper , his white coat and his black bag .
19 Part of the reason they do so is cultural and has to do with the elective affinity of their habituses with postmodern culture .
20 As for my business — well , it is of a private nature , and has to do with Mrs — I mean , with Mary Godwin . ’
21 Homoeopathy has therefore become a postgraduate study and has to rely for the recruitment of its practitioners on those members of the medical , dental , veterinary and pharmaceutical professions who are open-minded enough to try new approaches .
22 " Combining mystery with history " : this was a phrase I invented ( or perhaps inadvertently cribbed ) for the blurb of the first novel I wrote under the pseudonym of Evelyn Hervey , The Governess , a story in which Miss Harriet Unwin in her first post as a governess in 1870s London finds herself accused of murder and has to pinpoint the real killer to save herself from the Old Bailey .
23 I 'd forgotten what a delicious meal tea could be ; and sitting there I felt invaded by the envy of the man who lives in an institution , and has to put up with institution meals and institution everything else , for the rich private life of the established .
24 When he is shown a pair of faces and has to decide which of the two is a celebrity , he performs at chance level , even though he performs almost as well as normal subjects on this task when the faces are replaced by their names .
25 It both proposes legislation and has to decide ( subject to any final decision by the Council ) whether to accept any amendment put forward by the European Parliament .
26 The taxpayer is convinced that the demand is unlawful , and has to decide what to do .
27 Now Taylor has experienced it and has to live with it .
28 How , how long do you think it 'll take for give up how long will it take before that person feels uncomfortable and has to respond ?
29 Great difficulties arise if an aged person , who has probably just been released from hospital and who is very ill , can not manage in what is usually a two-storey house where the facilities are upstairs , and has to wait 13 months before the application for downstairs facilities is even sanctioned .
30 He gets real humiliated and has to leave .
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