Example sentences of "and [Wh pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Russia Catherine II , after conniving at the overthrow and murder of her husband in 1762 , was on continuously bad terms with her son and heir , Paul , who feared and hated her and whom in the last two decades of her reign she scarcely ever saw .
2 Memories of boyhood days would not be complete without mention of some of the boys with whom we played , boys we grew up with , and who to this day remain our good friends — the life-long friends of Jerry and me .
3 ‘ And why … and who to ? ’
4 The volunteers drew lots as to who was to be ‘ teacher ’ and who to be ‘ learner ’ , and the teacher saw the learner being strapped into a chair .
5 China 's rush to capitalism is also a rush towards individual liberty : the chance to choose not just fancy clothes and fast cars but how to live , where to live and who to be ruled by .
6 And who of us has never made a phone call we did n't want others to overhear ?
7 And who of course you 're leaving it to .
8 And who on earth is Lucasta Redburn ? ’
9 And who on earth was talking about relationships , anyway ?
10 And who on earth could blame you for that ? ’
11 Kuntze was to take over the company 's chairmanship from Jurgen Hippenstiel-Imhausen , who resigned in March and who on May 10 became the first person to be arrested over the affair .
12 And who on earth dares utter the cliche that mankind has ‘ reached heights unknown even in the realms of fantasy ’ ?
13 And who with ? ’
14 They want to know when , where , how , why , and who with .
15 Originally he thought of his main audience as consisting in enlightened rulers who happened to have power and who with sufficient for themselves already , sought their main further pleasure in seeking the happiness of their subjects .
16 The modern monarch is not a figure , which is to be unquestioningly revered , and who with a magical touch can cure scrofula ( Bloch , 1973 ) .
17 ‘ It 's about an advertising man who gets disillusioned with the business , and who with the co-operation of his incredibly efficient and wonderful butler escapes to Provence .
18 Two of its members are elected every six months to act as Captains-Regent ( currently Adolmiro Bartolini and Ottaviano Rossi ) , with the functions of head of state , and who with a Congress of State exercise executive power .
19 He was still wearing the same clothes he 'd worn that afternoon , and Juliet wondered if he had been out that evening , and who with .
20 ‘ As long as they know where I am and who with . ’
21 It is primarily an explanatory one , it connects problems and explains why they are problems , and who for , and so does not set up bite-sized problems for the reformer to tackle one by one .
22 Let us , however , confine our attention for a while to Polybius who was a specialist in constitutional and military history and who for four centuries conditioned modern thinking about Republican Rome .
23 Those Catholic students who are undertaking their initial teacher education , and who for professional reasons can not attend St Andrew 's College ( eg in Physical Education and Home Economics ) .
24 Those Catholic students who are undertaking their initial teacher education , and who for personal reasons , which are accepted as reasonable by St Andrew 's College , can not attend St Andrew 's College .
25 Having begun as a left-arm spinner he turned himself into a fast-medium bowler who frequently took the new ball and who at times could be decidedly nippy .
26 The question presented itself at yesterday 's Foyle 's lunch in Mayfair , when the distinguished scientist Sir Rudolf Peierls took an early siesta during an interesting speech by Lord Zuckerman , whose new book we were celebrating , and who at that very moment looked down the top table and described Peierls , rightly , as ‘ one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists ever ’ .
27 … that men are not gentle creatures who want to be loved , and who at the most can defend themselves if they are attacked ; they are , on the contrary , creatures among whose instinctual endowments is to be reckoned a powerful share of aggressiveness .
28 They included a group of guerrillas , ultimately numbering 46 , who had occupied the Metropolitan Cathedral in San Salvador since Aug. 20 and who at the beginning of October had sought political asylum in the Mexican embassy .
29 ‘ But I feel dismay , sorrow , for so many people in our country who do not share this personal good fortune and who as a result of further years of Tory government will experience further disadvantage .
30 And who as a result has acquired a rather topsy-turvy view of her own importance .
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