Example sentences of "and [Wh adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But Saracen arrows did not have the power of penetration necessary to pierce the heavy mail hauberks of the Christian knights , and whenever their numbers were inferior they were frequently overwhelmed by the sheer weight and ferocity of their opponents .
2 She had kept this plant for many years and whenever we had light showers it was popped outside , a treatment that seemed to agree with it .
3 As we proceeded we kept our eyes skinned and whenever we came to a thicket or undergrowth we beat it with our sticks to stir up the prey .
4 The social workers always worked as a team and whenever we met a roomful of people arrived .
5 One of these predictions was that the number of galaxies or similar objects in any given volume of space should be the same wherever and whenever we look in the universe .
6 Structures of appreciation in art , music or mathematics , etc , present a paradigm for ‘ … the way we should structure our experience wherever and whenever we need to acquire genuinely useful information ’ ( ibid , p. 137 ) .
7 If airlines can fly wherever and whenever they want to after the EC 's liberalisation of aviation , experience will be similar to that of the United States , where empirical work suggests the market is ‘ imperfectly contestable ’ .
8 She has recently left home , and whenever they talk about her my parents ' voices are disapproving , as if she has gone off the rails in some way which they do n't specify .
9 Kylie 's organisation believed the unofficial pictures were literally losing their star millions and whenever they saw those pictures on sale they moved to sue the publishers .
10 ‘ The English are great lovers of themselves , and of everything belonging to them ’ , wrote the Venetian diplomat Andrea Trevisano at the end of the fifteenth century ; ‘ they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say that he ‘ looks like an Englishman' ’ and that ‘ it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman ’ , words echoed exactly in 1521 by the Scottish scholar John Major ; while the German knight Nicolas von Popplau , who visited England in 1484 , found a people who regarded themselves as the wisest in the world .
11 Members would like the people they represent to be able to watch as much as they wish of their MPs at work , and whenever they wish , without being dependent on the editorial and journalistic selections of the broadcasters .
12 They are present in most of the major faunas known from the Middle and Upper Triassic , in land area that now constitute Tanzania , Brazil , Argentina , North America , Britain and Germany ; and whenever they were present they were the most abundant type of land animal .
13 Because I know the scouts do the Tesco one and whenever they are put in these cardboard boxes they have to be sorted so somebody must sort them .
14 And whenever they stopped , they had a cookie .
15 All the world will be your enemy , Prince with a Thousand Enemies , and whenever they catch you , they will kill you .
16 Users are likely to be able to lead the process of innovation whenever they perceive their own needs more clearly than other firms do , and whenever they can appropriate most of the benefits from innovation .
17 There were five of them , and whenever they arrived they came up the woodland track on a big spreader wagon with a battered old van bouncing along behind .
18 But in between meals , for tea and whenever they went out Jill relied on Farley 's Rusks because she knew it was a name she could trust .
19 And , and whenever they knew you 've come would you , would you walk through and , and they used to for us every time an tha and that in those days they 'd give you a couple of bob which is , it was a fortune to me at that age .
20 However and whenever they form , stylolites and solution seams are important in reservoir evaluation .
21 With these valuable assets , it is natural to see an innovative company deciding to take opportunities in multimedia wherever and whenever they emerge .
22 There is no attempt to toilet-train children whatsoever and so consequently adults and children will by and large relieve themselves wherever and whenever they feel the need to do so .
23 And time after time after time , there have been cases prepared and whenever they came to court , there was nobody prepared to go into that courtroom .
24 The Venetian author of the Italian Relation of England commented specifically on the English sense of national pride , and presumably was thinking of attitudes which he encountered generally and not merely the point of view of the more literate : ' … the English are great lovers of themselves and everything belonging to them ; they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say ‘ he looks like an Englishman ’ ' ( 35 , pp.20–1 ) .
25 and whenever they wanted to go to see their children they could .
26 In 1974 I was at the National Theatre doing Shakespeare with Sir John Gielgud and whenever there was a play it was in repertory form , so another play came on and I had five days off , so I 'd fly to Toronto , have a three day ‘ loon ’ in Canada and then come back .
27 Other planning authorities prefer not to impose standard conditions but refer each application on its own merits , and whenever there is a likelihood of odour emission the matter is referred to the Director of Environmental Health and his advice either incorporated into the planning application or is covered by a condition .
28 What would happen is that the physiotherapist would actually train the mother to do it , she would show her what exercises need to be done and they have to be done almost constantly , several times a day and whenever there 's a spare moment , so therefore it 's not feasible for it to be done in a hospital is it ?
29 Share research as it starts and whenever there is something to say by contacting SCRE Information Services .
30 Erm well really it 's just what I said , it 's er roughly speaking it 's when er a string of words does n't have the meaning you 'd expect on the basis of the standard semantics of the language , but rather has a fixed different meaning and whenever there 's any apparent structure in it , I E several words , er , their , their normal meanings are irrelevant which is the meaning of the whole phrase .
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