Example sentences of "and [indef pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to be one of the best in the world , I want to be the best in the world , and everyone I come up against is a stepping stone to me getting over that bridge .
2 I wrote to him every few days and gave him the details of everything that happened and everyone I met .
3 He loved the place and everyone it involved .
4 And everyone it seems has their own favourite .
5 Kakoo , as she was always known , was a unique person , one of the loveliest girls we ever saw , and all her life she remained beautiful , with a marvellous sense of humour and a true enjoyment in everything she did and everyone she knew .
6 But her personal loss echoes through her researches to the end — just as the tragedy suffered by the Vietnamese during the US War informs everything and everyone she meets .
7 And everyone there 's like dead deep and deep
8 ‘ You 've had everything and everyone your way from much too young , and it has n't prepared you for the big , wide world .
9 And everyone who ever lived and died .
10 Responsibility for waste will rest on the person who produces it , and everyone who handles it through to the process of disposal or reclamation .
11 When Zweig would n't come , Strauss lost his temper and wrote the famous letter attacking all politicians and everyone who lets politics get in the way of art .
12 Of course there is a deterring-effect if one knows that one 's going to go not into a discussion where various points of view will be weighed and gradually a view may be achieved , but into a huge argument where tremendous battle lines will be drawn up and everyone who does n't fall in line will be hit on the head .
13 In company with Geoff Thomas , Andy has made the Palace midfield one of the most respected in the country and everyone who witnessed our FA Cup semi-final and 1st Division victories over Liverpool in 1990 will recall with pleasure the manner in which the Palace pair dominated their illustrious opponents .
14 He made no reference to the separation and everyone who spoke to him avoided the subject .
15 ‘ She was a very brave girl and everyone who knew her admired her spirit .
16 It had already been decided that Hayling was to remain as chief executive , and everyone who had been doing a specific job for the company was invited to carry on .
17 Everything about this book is pleasing , and everyone who has been involved with its creation deserves the greatest praise .
18 That the little girl who had sat on her granny 's knee and smiled and laughed , would grow up to give herself to anyone and everyone who asked her ?
19 And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself ’ ( 1 John 3:2f ) .
20 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation , the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins .
21 They were great champions and everyone who saw them on the ice thought they were lovers .
22 It 's a long-term strategy for the future of Scotland and everyone who is dedicated to quality and has the nation 's interest at heart is invited to join them in their important work .
23 Then I arranged a wake and everyone who came to the wake contributed .
24 The planner is endorsed by Peter Alliss who stated , " This excellent new planner will appeal to all golfers , invaluable for those in golf administration and everyone who follows the game . "
25 Everyone knew that a breaking point had to come ; and everyone who could took extraordinary measures to protect himself .
26 And everyone who 's bitten to the core
27 Lucy has planned a special Mass as a thank-you to hospital staff , medical and fire crews and everyone who sent goodwill cards .
28 There was nothing to say and nothing we could do .
29 Mr Wildish said the tests Nicola was undergoing were ‘ routine and nothing we would not give to anyone else in similar circumstances ’ .
30 In the advertisement , the Tobacco Institute of Australia claimed that there was ‘ little evidence and nothing which proves scientifically that cigarette smoke causes disease in nonsmokers ’ .
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