Example sentences of "and [indef pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That gig was exciting — there was this giant belch and everyone involved in this giant belch felt immensely relieved afterwards . ’
2 Will my hon. Friend congratulate Trafford area health authority and everyone involved in the hospitals there on the excellent job that they are doing and especially on the way in which they have brought down waiting lists ?
3 Editor said : ‘ We are absolutely delighted at this award , and we would like to thank all the correspondents and everyone involved in the publication for their efforts . ’
4 And everyone famous was there — the Queen dragging Princess Anne in a pushchair , Paul McCartney looking like Lady Macbeth in a pink bikini .
5 I was in the bar at the theatre and everyone famous was there — Pauline from ‘ EastEnders ’ and the Queen ( she was dragging Princess Anne behind her in a pushchair ) and Meryl Streep and Samantha Fox and Rowan Atkinson and Paul McCartney looking like Lady Macbeth — his hands were dripping with blood .
6 The baby 's first worldly experience of nonverbal communication , however , is usually the touch of the midwife 's or obstetrician 's hands or sometimes the mother 's hands and everyone present at the delivery is relieved to hear the initial cry , the first verbal communication .
7 A minute is kept of the meeting and everyone present receives a copy .
8 ‘ More jobs and everyone happier . ’
9 The older ones took turns to accompany their father , then it was all hands on deck getting breakfast and everyone ready for ten o'clock Sunday School .
10 And everyone expected things would get nasty once Zhdanov 's famous article * appeared .
11 She explored sexuality in her book of fairy tales The Bloody Chamber , and in polemical essays such as The Sadeian Woman and Nothing Sacred .
12 Life for Jack Rothera soon settled into an interesting routine and nothing untoward happened to disturb the smooth operation of his signal box .
13 It was too late for that , and nothing discreditable had leapt out from Greg 's perusal .
14 On occasions , after a programme , he would slip into the empty studio , seat himself at the grand piano and play — mostly chords and nothing recognizable .
15 Alice , with all the time in the world and nothing better to do , stood with the branches of forsythia blazing yellow in her arms , listening and advising .
16 a lassitude and nothing serious ,
17 There 's a crusader inside John Cleese and nothing Spanish Quixotic about him either .
18 It is the sentence , and nothing else' which has sense , and it has sense in virtue of there being an accepted common practice with sentences like it , and others .
19 Even if Fiver 's wrong and nothing terrible hits happened back at the old warren , I 'd still say we 're better off here .
20 Memes seem to have nothing equivalent to chromosomes , and nothing equivalent to alleles .
21 It had happened — and nothing worse was likely to happen — and it had done no harm .
22 Ted 's initial fear was that they 'd done something stupid and run away together , but then after a while he 'd begun to hope for this and nothing worse .
23 Or was it because the show was set in the 1950s , the sun always shone , the table always groaned under Ma Larkin 's home-made goodies , and nothing nasty ever happened ?
24 And nothing much was done to develop the careers of talented contract artists like Laurence Olivier , Vivien Leigh and Valerie Hobson at Denham .
25 Only two or three clowns dressed up and nothing much took place .
26 The lyrics are pleasantly vague except for the curiously annoyed ‘ Candy Everybody Wants ’ , which veers close to wounded cynicism and nothing much else happens .
27 It seemed like ever since the ‘ sixties there had been just one brand of government in two slightly different packages and nothing much ever changed ; there was this feeling that after the burst of energy in the early-mid-'sixties everything had been going downhill ; the whole country was constipated , bound up with rules and regulations and restrictive practices and just general , endemic , infectious ennui .
28 Little Eddie Paynter from Lancashire arose from a sick bed to hit a mighty six to clinch the Ashes in the fourth Test at Brisbane , and nothing much else mattered after that .
29 The journey immediately ahead held little of interest from the Johnson and Boswell point of view , and nothing much , therefore , to look forward to until the Forres of Macbeth 's witches .
30 Chris explained : ‘ The length of this recession has n't been accurately predicted by anyone — for example , American economists were forecasting that the US would pull out of recession in 1992 , but here we are at the end of the year and nothing much has changed .
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