Example sentences of "and [num ord] time " in BNC.

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1 Television presenter Alison Holloway wore white ( well , cream , to be exact ) twice to get married : for her first wedding to Alistair Watson , son of veteran British screen start Jack Watson , and second time around , when she got hitched to TV comedian Jim ‘ Nick Nick ’ Davidson .
2 They were put on the same strip CD had used , and second time around it helped spinners almost from the outset .
3 That the Bill shall be laid upon the Table of the House by one of the Clerks in the Private Bill Office on the next meeting of the House after the day on which the Bill has been presented and , when so laid , shall be read the first and second time ( and shall be recorded in the Journal of this House as having been so read ) and , having been amended by the Committee in the last Session , shall be ordered to lie upon the Table .
4 Chris Allen 's free kick … a nudge back from Paul Wanless … and second time lucky for Captain Andy Melville .
5 and second time was , was returning one of my phone calls
6 ‘ Then , for the two hundred and thirty-eighth time , you are beautiful , my Cassandra .
7 ‘ Acid ! ’ he cried after consulting his notes for the one hundred and thirty-ninth time .
8 People began throwing suggestions at him , some kindly , some less so , as the same shops came zinging past for the third and fourth times .
9 But if they go once with a group , they then go a second , and third and fourth times by themselves .
10 The third and fourth time this is reduced to Leader ‘ Oggy ’ , Response ‘ Oi ’ , Leader ‘ Oggy ’ , Response ‘ Oi ’ .
11 Perhaps visiting New Zealand , Australia , France , Japan etc. are not quite so exciting the third and fourth time around .
12 The slow-down in the rate of increase between the third and fourth time bands reflects the saturation of the new ‘ market ’ as the industry reached maturity , and started to take on fewer new staff .
13 The Bank has also launched a Right to Buy Mortgage Package that enables tenants to choose from a selection of Fixed Rate offers and First Time Buyer discounts .
14 Young people and first time buyers are forced to look for accommodation outside their local rural area and the villages are being deprived of an important element in the community .
15 I knew the first time was seldom ideal and I wanted to get past it to the second and third times , and all the times after that , when our love could go forward and mature and develop .
16 The MGB 's decks and meagre cabin spaces were covered with wounded , many being hit for a second and third time , and so the Commander decided the MGB must withdraw , although he was reluctant to leave .
17 The men were too polite to accept them without being pressed a second and third time .
18 James Best married for a second and third time , and had two daughters and a son by his second wife .
19 It was the first and last time they have had such privacy and they returned to Balmoral to join the Royal Family for their traditional September break , tanned , relaxed and obviously very much in love .
20 It was the first and last time they have ever had such privacy
21 In the interviews afterwards I lost my temper for , I think , the first and last time in the dispute .
22 Goodbye to all that for the second and last time . ’
23 After the dramatic crowning of Charles — the first and last time that a pope paid homage to the new Emperors of the West — came a period of reinforcement of his new status .
24 The man stopped the car for the fifth and last time , and there , right outside where Boy lived , they kissed , passionately , scandalously , because by now people were up and there was traffic passing , the first buses and freight lorries on the Commercial Road ; people could have seen them .
25 Grandad had never been hooked , but on this occasion , he grabbed a Blue Zulu , went off like a rocket and soon broke the cast ; that was about ten years ago : the first and last time anyone came near to catching him .
26 This , perhaps the most tragic of all goals seen at Wembley , sent the Cup out of England for the first and last time .
27 And last time I went I could n't stand it .
28 The second and last time Sheila came back to the group was some months later .
29 Charles 's birth was registered fairly late in the day : a certificate was n't issued until 3 October , by which time Elizabeth was pregnant for the fifth and last time .
30 It was the first and last time I was to fly on one of its mercy missions .
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