Example sentences of "and [Wh det] to do " in BNC.

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1 Tell them what is in the Act , and what to do . ’
2 The enemy 's base , a disused farmhouse , has been examined in great detail by an earlier reconnaissance patrol and everyone knows , in theory at least , how to reach it and What to do on arrival .
3 Many of these children had been attending for a long time , so they already knew many things , specially the important things like how to stand in line and what to do when your pen-nib broke .
4 I think that evening I felt instinct for the first time — what not to do and what to do .
5 For only £500 a week all inclusive , I 'll show you how to put on walking boots , where the zip on your kagoul can be located , how to prepare a salami sandwich , and what to do if you should come across a gate .
6 Grim reality of bankruptcy and what to do
7 about thrush , the hot flush and what to do and
8 Waste and what to do with it is an ever growing problem .
9 By the end of the first stage you 'll know if you are addicted , and what to do about it .
10 She longed for Toby , who would tell her what to say and what to do .
11 When it comes to the flying itself , the choice of where to go and what to do is almost limitless .
12 ‘ The captain fed us bits of information about decompression and what to do , and after 10 minutes we were told we were returning to Birmingham because of a shattered windscreen on the aircraft .
13 The sheet explains what an NMT is ; what arrangements apply when supplying an NMT to a person not registered for VAT for removal to another EC country ; what happens if a new vehicle is to be used on UK roads before it is removed to another EC country ; and what to do if obtaining an NMT in the UK for removal to another EC country .
14 How to avoid freeze-ups — and what to do if the worst should happen
15 Superbly illustrated in both colour and black and white it provides a guide about what to see , where to see it and what to do in living railway history .
16 There is indeed a skill of craftsmanship in applying technology ; knowing just how far to go in programming the machine and what to do by hand ; selecting from the materials and technologies and applying them in different ways ; deciding exactly what one should attempt to achieve through technology .
17 Once this is achieved , she suggests , the dichotomy between realism and relativism becomes irrelevant ; both will proceed in the same way in trying to sort out what is going on and what to do .
18 The GP should warn patients of possible side effects and what to do if pills are mixed .
19 Either of these should be able to advise on the importance of the find and what to do next , but if there is no one in the area , the local reference library should be able to advise on who to contact .
20 Creggan was more afraid than he could ever remember , and did not know where to go and what to do .
21 They can tell you which medicines not to take if you suffer from a condition like asthma and what to do if you miss a dose of medicine .
22 Chris Hankins shows you how to ensure a trouble free setup and what to do when things go wrong .
23 Second World War gas masks , tin helmets and posters on treating burns and what to do with incendiary bombs were left over from the days when each factory had a fire watch and some even had a home guard .
24 Among many good ideas , there are sections on ladder safety , electrical safety , safety in the garden , and what to do in the event of an accident .
25 All of life and what to do with it ?
26 Her fingers were cold , refusing to grip the edges of the stone , and everything was turning , spinning so that it was difficult to focus and to judge how to move and what to do with her limbs .
27 This is not just about forms ; it is about telling people about all the available services , explaining properly how to use them and what to do when things go wrong .
28 The fact sheet describes the mental conditions that categorise dementia , provides advice for carers and relatives , and what to do if care at home is no longer possible .
29 Additionally there 's lots of information in the backpackers ’ and motor camps , and the boys were pretty quick to suss out where they wanted to go and what to do there .
30 This section details the errors that CREFDL can report , and what to do if you get one of them .
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