Example sentences of "and [not/n't] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is noteworthy that at this time ( when secularised education was patronised by nearly all the governments of Europe including those that were nominally Catholic ) this query was dealt with as a matter of discipline by the Congregation of propaganda , and not as a matter of doctrine by the Congregation of the Inquisition .
2 Churchill , Eden , Macmillan , and Home had been political grandees ; all emerged through the ‘ magic circle , and not as a result of election by MPs .
3 They talk about it as an expenditure and not as an investment .
4 We might , of course , do the opposite , and try to explain the depictions of temples on coins or patterns of coin loss from our knowledge of surviving temples or official statistics for the money supply , but in this case we would be using coins as secondary evidence and not as a primary source of new information .
5 REGIONAL RAILWAYS sees the spread of light rapid transit systems in our cities and suburbs as a development that can be harnessed to serve its interests — and not as a potential for poaching passengers .
6 How do we ensure that management is seen as a set of empowering activities and not as a control activity ?
7 It would mean you see me as a woman who happens to be in science , and not as a scientist .
8 As a human being , and not as a guinea pig .
9 Art is seen as an exercise in fine motor skills or appreciation of nature and not as a creative activity .
10 It is enough to say here that slag should be used sparingly as a soil conditioner from time to time , and not as a routine crop food .
11 Since the Greeks looked back on the Mycenaean past as a ‘ Golden Age ’ of gods and heroes , they tended to regard history as a decline from this ideal state and not as an ultimate order of reality .
12 The singles chart needs to be treated as a separate entity , and not as a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen .
13 When this practice was changed , recorded levels of property crime soared : but , obviously , as a consequence of changes in policing and not as a result of changes in crime .
14 A form of rich picture was drawn up following the initial investigations , but it was used mainly as a summary of the structures , staffing levels and other essentially static factors that existed in the situation , and not as the basis for selecting a relevant system .
15 ‘ You 're not going anywhere — not as a band and not as a person . ’
16 The remedy may change , or in acute injuries more than one remedy may be required , but in classical homoeopathy the remedies are administered one at a time and not as a mixture .
17 Spectra or Dyneema is best wound on the spool individually , and not as a pair ( or foursome ) of lines .
18 There was no catch to question 10 ; after 12 minutes in the climb with a ground speed of 90 knots our aircraft was exactly 18 nm from the aerodrome , and the correct answer should have been printed as c and not as a .
19 If more than one edited copy tape is required , the extra copies can easily be produced from off the original recordings and not as third-generation copies off a second-generation edited master — with obvious advantages in terms of picture quality .
20 ’ Becke 's revision reads : ‘ He dwelleth wyth his wyfe accordinge to knowledge , that taketh her as a necessarye healper , and not as a bonde servaunte or a bonde slave .
21 They should be treated as a guide only and not as a complete or detailed study of the law .
22 They should be treated as a guide only and not as a complete or detailed study of the law .
23 On the other hand the counsellor may be assisted by many physical signs which suggest that alcohol is a problem , such as finding lots of empty bottles around , or when an older person is found to be drinking at all times of the day , often alone and not as part of a social occasion .
24 We talked of all we would do when he was strong enough , and I put everything else out of mind and concentrated on being positive and cheerful myself , which was not always easy but I was determined to behave normally and to treat him as a convalescent and not as a sick man .
25 Mr Smith said : ‘ People should enjoy , as a right of citizenship and not as a privilege of wealth , the opportunity of a good education , the chance to find a decent job with decent pay , the opportunity to buy or rent a decent home .
26 Ferguson senior added : ‘ All I ask is for the United fans to judge him on what he does on the pitch and not as the manager 's son .
27 The Letterewe estate is run as a wilderness area and not as a commercial estate — this is an immense boon as far as preserving the beauty of the area is concerned .
28 He did indeed believe in the autonomy of art , but as the exultation of the conflicts of history and not as pure commentary .
29 If one accepts this , even if only for the present and not as an inevitable fact for the future , then a responsibility lies with hearing society to meet not only the communication requirements of deaf people but also to understand and be able to work with this group in their language .
30 He argued that the bread and wine somehow coexisted with the body and blood , and more importantly that the miracle occurred because of the presence of the faithful and not as a result of the magical powers of the priest .
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