Example sentences of "and [vb -s] by " in BNC.

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1 The Public Order Act of 1936 was passed by Parliament to control political rallies and marches by the British Union of Fascists and the counter-demonstrations which such rallies provoked .
2 It was a staple of the revenge tragedy as Kyd , Tourneur or Shakespeare conceived it , and plays by Dekker , Lyly , Webster , Ford and Middleton all made use of madness on stage , and of actors specially trained for the parts of madmen .
3 He is planning a relaunch for the list on 20th May , with books by Michael Billington and John Dexter and plays by Doug Lucie and Martin Crimp .
4 I write as someone who 's always been able to take or leave Harrison Birtwistle 's music : the oeuvre as a whole arouses my respect , and impresses by its fiercely-defined character and self-consistency , but only a limited number of pieces ( among them The Triumph of Time , The fields of Sorrow , Melancolia I , Carmen Arcadiae Mechanicae Perpetuum ) have spoken to me strongly and cried out for repeated listening .
5 In 1860 , the last bishop to wear his wig to the House of Lords died , and his successor as Bishop of Rochester , Dr Joseph Wigram , sharply criticised the wearing of beards and moustaches by the clergy .
6 On the same day a Shop Window 92 Shore Event will take place in front of Middlesbrough Civic Centre , including a march and displays by the Royal Marine Band of the Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland .
7 For the purposes of the Code , this expression includes takeover and merger transactions ( including reverse takeovers ) , partial offers , Court Schemes and offers by a parent company for shares in a subsidiary .
8 It had n't lost one , there was no eye socket on one side of its head , so after the photos and the corny jokes about ’ one eye and goes by the name of lucky ’ back into the water and off she swam .
9 We could only find the paths and drives by banging a crowbar on the ground : when it hit the gravel it rang .
10 He takes the mugs to the side of the bed and sits by the feet of his lover .
11 And she gets up in the night and sits by the telephone in the hall in the dark .
12 It 's a funny thing but every now and again she slips through here into the lounge and sits by the fire for a few minutes .
13 When one drops out and sits by the fire , another member comes along and
14 I mean , I do n't mind it if he comes and sits by me well they 're not used to him you see .
15 It was therefore vital for the French to retake the north bank and this they achieved amidst vines heavily laden with fruit , reoccupying both Épernay and Reims by 13 September .
16 Commentators noted the contrast between Li Peng 's line and remarks by Jiang Zemin and Yang Shangkun to the Singapore Premier , Lee Kuan Yew , on Oct. 18 calling for the reforms to be speeded up .
17 Nobody is playing as yet , but the lines have been freshly painted , a large old roller is being stored by an elderly man with tribal scars on his cheeks ( like the marks made by French grill pans on bifteck ) , and a big jug of lemon squash is standing in the shade of a little thatched tennis house , protected from the desires of wasps and flies by a beaded lace doily .
18 Sunderland have a better goal difference than third-bottom Oxford United , who are three points behind , and only a catastrophic series of results in their last three matches and upsets by the other teams below them , would produce a nightmare eve-of-Wembley relegation scenario .
19 The Beggar 's view is , reasonably , that Hoccleve 's income should be enough even though he had a wife , and has by marrying her , cut off the possibility of a career in the Church .
20 The true extent of the use is unknown but its high cost has certainly ensured that videodisc can claim only pockets of success and has by no means been widely influential .
21 But unless quality and productivity can be improved in leaps and bounds by the early 1990s , then Dagenham is unlikely to have a future as a car production plant .
22 The skilled negotiator , by contrast , reverses the order and gives an explanation first ( ie the reason for being in disagreement ) and finishes by saying something like ‘ and that is why I disagree ’ .
23 It considers the various pension reforms aimed at breaking the link between poverty and old age , and concludes by examining how the Thatcher Government 's scaling down of SERPS ( the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme ) will ensure that today 's underclass take their poverty into old age .
24 It analyses the problem of marketing to multi-individual buying structures , and concludes by looking at the applications of industrial purchase behaviour models .
25 The Law Society has submitted its response to the Law Commission 's Consultation Paper on Fiduciary Duties and Regulatory rules , and concludes by disagreeing with the Commission 's preliminary proposals to overcome current difficulties which the Commission have been examining .
26 From then until the end of February the gallery will be showing drawings , gouaches , photographs and photomontages by Domela , together with recent work by Jaume Plensa .
27 He recalls that the Chancellor came in to the store at around 5pm , and stands by this approximate time even though he is well aware that Mr Lamont was then in a Treasury Select Committee at the House of Commons .
28 By day for twelve hours he sailed across the sky with gods in his boat , piloted by his vizier Thoth , the moon , and accompanies by his daughter , Maat , the symbol of his world order .
29 A big stack of drawings and gouaches by Klyun were missing …
30 The ‘ higher criticism ’ , examining the Bible as one would any other ancient text , only impinged on the Church of England in 1860 with the publication of Essays and Reviews by various authors including Frederick Temple and Benjamin Jowett .
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