Example sentences of "and [vb base] at " in BNC.

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1 It means instead the end of childhood and freedom , the beginning of a new life as a slave and chattel at the bottom of a hierarchy in someone else 's family .
2 The practice of meditation and contemplation is life-long , reflecting this daily process of repentance and change at heart .
3 Syphon off the bottom mulm and change at least 20% of the water .
4 In spite of being well fed and cared for , some dogs will steal food and scavenge at every opportunity .
5 Write your plans below and evaluate at the next C.P.S.
6 That my affections should promiscuously Dart love and hate at once , both worthily ! ( ii.ii.189 — 95 )
7 It 's a thing I love and hate at the same time .
8 Outside diners are given a choice of fish or meat main course when they book , and sit at smaller tables around the antique-filled dining room .
9 We used to go to a certain bar and sit at our favourite table , where we would be joined by a pair of bedizened harridans with dyed orange hair and chipped scarlet fingernails .
10 It is a relief to me to take up this pen and sit at a table and endeavour to sort out what I feel pressing in upon me and to know that if sense can be made of it you will make it .
11 It is the only tram in service where you have to climb up to your seat and sit at an angle of 20 degrees behind two spacemen in the front compartment !
12 into the library and go up and sit at the C D ROM terminal .
13 And she has promised a reward to whosoever finds the keys : if it is a man , he is to marry the princess and be her husband and true love ; if it is a maiden she will become the princess 's first lady-in-waiting and sit at her left hand .
14 People stroll in their shirtsleeves , and sit at sidewalk cafés .
15 ‘ Go and sit at the table .
16 come and sit at the table and wait , come on , put those away
17 Look we have got special bread now come on and sit at the table with us ,
18 Now some of you in the room , believe it or not , will be happy to hit that and sit at that .
19 Jimmy pulled away again and joined Gilbert and Frye at the windows .
20 Protestantism 's strength and influence at the end of the nineteenth century is even harder to assess than that of Roman Catholicism , because of its diversity .
21 His subsequent progress inside the Corporation was rapid and distinctive — from the external services in Bush House to Canada again , this time as BBC representative from 1956 to 1959 ; back to Bush House as head of external broadcasting administration ; on to Broadcasting House as the BBC 's secretary ( 1963–6 ) , a post of varying status and influence at different times in the history of the BBC , but during the regime of the director-general , Sir Hugh Greene , who had personally selected Curran for the job , a key post drawing him into discussions of policy , often highly controversial policy , as well as of administration ; back again to Bush House as director of external services ( 1967–9 ) , which brought him into close touch with government ; and on Greene 's retirement , becoming , to his considerable surprise , director-general himself in April 1969 .
22 Even with his skills and influence at the Prime Minister 's disposal , however , by the end of January Miyazawa 's future tenure as Prime Minister appeared to be distinctly uncertain .
23 For it was she who told herself that nothing was to be gained at this moment by recrimination , that Sir George 's land and influence at Stockton were still big assets ( though nowhere near worth the price at which they had been bought ) , and that a moping Sir George — a sackcloth-ashes flagellant — could be all it needed to bring the whole structure of confidence tumbling down .
24 He lost both office and influence at court as a result of factional enmity , but Louis the Pious 's disfavour ensured that the losses were permanent .
25 It may have been now that Ermold was returned to his beloved Aquitaine , and favour at Pippin 's court .
26 A new series but called Grace and Favour at eight .
27 Better quality wines cost on average £2.20 per bottle and sell at £4.70 .
28 Accordingly , the investor may seek to include a provision whereby if the investor wishes to sell a specified percentage of the equity , then the other shareholders must follow suit and sell at the same price per share .
29 The cars are built in Cowley and sell at up to fifteen thousand pounds each .
30 ‘ Well , he 's very rich , of course , and mean at the same time .
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