Example sentences of "and [vb base] their " in BNC.

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1 Investors are risk averse and maximize their return ( as measured by the rate of return ) over a one period time horizon .
2 VASECTOMY operations , once regarded as an irrevocable form of male sterilisation , are increasingly being reversed as more men remarry and change their minds about wanting children .
3 They may adopt clothes and hairstyles that belong to one group of contemporaries or another , and change their political or religious views several times .
4 Women marry and change their names , he thought , there was no point in pursuing that one .
5 Sadoon Hamadi , the new prime minister , said at a press conference : ‘ What is intended to starve the Iraqi people so that they revolt and change their leader Saddam Hussein . ’
6 They spent millions trying to get us out , to wipe our records clean , then they go and change their minds .
7 ‘ I would like the public to have a crusade against crime and change their attitude from being forgiving of crime to being considerate of the victim , ’ he said .
8 Erm you know but he 's saying the developments of the peasant movement has resulted in the rapid rise in their cultural level erm you know so on the one hand he 's , I mean in a way he 's , he 's trying to re-educate the whole peasant class erm and , and change their way of thinking which previously has obviously been going on , you know , since Confucian
9 Entrants had to pick one of the four sections and develop their design from the abstract ideas that they found there .
10 Genetically-engineered organisms mutate and develop their own new lifestyles .
11 The steps we outline in this paper are necessary to create a fair , democratic and prosperous society , in which individuals are able to make their voice heard and develop their talents and skills to the full .
12 The first and second years of the course give students a thorough grounding in basic musicianship and develop their practical skills .
13 In using them in classrooms and in discussing them with colleagues , teachers will change them , replace them , and develop their own , more immediate to their own teaching circumstances .
14 The peoples of France , England , Germany , Scandinavia and the Netherlands — which had previously been barbarous regions — had begun to catch the Greeks , Latins and Spaniards up and develop their own religious insights .
15 You will need to have an impressive knowledge of research techniques linked with outstanding management skills to manage a young , dynamic team , and develop their work within the organisation 's changing structure .
16 Connections in Reading A & B encourage pre-intermediate students to read for pleasure and develop their reading skills .
17 These six activity books provide children who are beginning to learn English with a wide range of activities through which they can practise English grammar and vocabulary , and develop their reading and writing skills .
18 At the primary level , the mathematics curriculum should , therefore , equip children with the skills and language of number , enrich their aesthetic and linguistic experience , provide them with the means of exploring and commenting upon their environment , and develop their powers of logical thought .
19 The magnitude of the special needs post-holder 's task becomes clear if one considers that these skills are to be geared to assisting classroom teachers of varying lengths of career experience ( often considerably longer than that of the ‘ qualified ’ supporter ) and range of subject specialities ( beyond the supporter 's expertise ) — teachers already under pressure from many directions and with ambivalent feelings about ‘ hawing problems ’ and ‘ being seen as in need of help ’ ; and if one considers that the supporter 's extended task is to deepen these colleagues ' understanding of ‘ special ’ learning needs , to enhance their skills , discover and develop their strengths and the confidence that the professional know.how they possess can be summoned for responding more appropriately to most of the behavioural , emotional and learning difficulties they encounter .
20 If a member of staff can do a better job , give better results , and improve the quality of their work in another function within the office it is common practice in business everywhere to let that person move and develop their skills .
21 The children , via the network , are able to learn about one another and develop their understanding of global issues through their exchange of messages on the system .
22 Young albatrosses on the Leeward Islands spend many days flapping their wings to exercise their muscles and develop their strength , but when they launch themselves into the air , they have to get it right first time .
23 According to Braverman , clerical workers in 1870 had many similarities to manual craft workers ; both had wide ranging responsibilities and had plenty of opportunity to use their initiative and develop their skills .
24 In some areas fundholders had formed liaison groups and were meeting regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise .
25 A service system comprises a network of professionals and/or volunteers who accept responsibility for providing assistance to vulnerable people to meet their individual needs and develop their potential without their being unnecessarily isolated or excluded from the community .
26 Since the 1950s the USSR has tried to persuade Latin American governments that trade with the eastern bloc should be ‘ a major element in the Latin American countries ’ drive for economic independence' , since it would enable them ‘ to gain more favourable terms with the industrially developed capitalist states , to consolidate their forces in the struggle against foreign monopolies [ and ] to expand their export ( sic ) and develop their industry and agriculture ’ ( Gladkov : 1975 , p. 11 ) .
27 Our ‘ post-heroic leader ’ will allow others to take responsibility , develop their own skills , solve their own problems and develop their own goals .
28 It can help pupils appreciate each other 's contribution to the work and develop their own .
29 The third part describes the ways in which children acquire the forms of language , and develop their ability to use and understand them , with consideration of what might be found easy or difficult at different stages of development .
30 In our case , the excluders want to keep out both kinds of fool : people with learning difficulties themselves and their fool advocates , those people who represent the rival philosophy and advocate their inclusion .
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