Example sentences of "and [to-vb] into " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps had the Ceauşescus ruled over a larger state their megalomania might have been more comfortably contained , but trapped inside little Romania it began to consume the whole nation and to penetrate into every area of life , even its most intimate secrets .
2 and er I would like to make an appointment to come and see you er again next week to talk over this mortgage and to go into it a bit more
3 And whilst it was never , it could never have been God 's will for Naomi to backslide with Elimelech her husband , and to go into Moab out of the mess that they make of their life , out of the mistakes that they , they perpetrate again and again , God somehow in his graciousness , in his mercy brings goodness from it !
4 It was luxury to stretch out , to groan , to relax … and to fall into the deepest slumber of my life …
5 Hooligans often take care to evade police escorts and to slip into rival territories unobserved .
6 She was a thin , long-waisted girl of about thirty , with a bony , intelligent face and a cap of dark curling hair which had been layered by an obvious expert , and no doubt expensive , hand to lie in swathes across the forehead and to curl into the nape of her high-arched neck .
7 Christian Aid , as part of the British churches , seeks to share in the process of theological reflection worldwide on development and social justice — both to renew our own understanding and commitment , and to feed into development education .
8 The evening was cold and misty , the fog beginning to creep up the Thames and to sneak into the alleyways on either side of the river .
9 Psychiatric research has found that children who are deprived of physical demonstrations of love are far more likely to manifest behaviour problems and to grow into emotionally unbalanced adults , unable themselves to give or receive any kind of love or warmth .
10 a self-evaluation followed by visits by advisers to see if staff are performing up to their own perception and to look into the objectives of the school .
11 After the shadowing , regular visits began by all advisers to observe subject teachers at work and to look into the policies and procedures of the school .
12 This process of control is called civilisation , and to fit into the theory of the Created God , is reduced to a series of events which are designated good , evil and neutral , only the good being used for the substance of the Created God .
13 We 've learned to work with each other and to fit into small costumes !
14 Could my Noble Friend give an assurance that if these schools wish to take advantage of the new legislation and to opt into grant maintained status , they 'll be given every encouragement ?
15 He was free to move around his subject and to incorporate into his depiction of it any information gained by this process or acquired through previous contacts or experiences .
16 The consequence of this is that human beings have increasingly come to resemble in their adult form the immature — or even foetal — forms of their early ancestors by means of a tendency to delay their individual development and to retain into maturity characteristics which typified the immature stages of their predecessors .
17 It was in many ways a logical consequence of de Gaulle 's seeking to impose upon his partners and neighbours , and to put into practice , his vision of the future Europe , a vision which contrasted sharply with that of the pioneers of the Six .
18 He was now working for another futures broker and wanted these both for his own business , and to put into a mailing list he would sell .
19 It must also be pointed out that the Sub-Group is a sub-group of Management Group , and its functions are to advise Management and to put into effect Management policy on computing issues .
20 At Hastings and at Southport in 1934 , controversy centred around the issue of " Emergency Powers " , i.e. the granting to a future Labour government of " authority to take over or regulate the financial machine , and to put into force any measures that the situation may require for the immediate control or socialization of industry " .
21 One other significant point to emerge from this prosecution was the reluctance of art historians to support Beck and to call into question the techniques used to restore some of the world 's most priceless art treasures .
22 You know that it is extremely risky to leave the choice late and that , at the very latest , you must be organised in time to have a good look at the proposed field and to get into a good position for a proper base leg .
23 She was taken back into the house and made to fill a bath and to get into it .
24 But the way he did it was with the same connections he defied , and to get into serious racing in his early days , he got a bank to give him credit and a sponsor to give him some backing : though he had n't , of his own , a sou in the world .
25 ‘ But now I am happy to be here because we have made new friends and to get into the team is an extra bonus . ’
26 Mr Bailes ' little place was situated about half way along Highburn village and to get into the farmyard you had to walk twenty yards or so between five-foot walls .
27 Erm by nineteen forty eight no in in nineteen forty seven with the rise of absolute egalitarianism , the policy of narrowing its base had helped them to erm get the peasant support and to get into power but that was no longer necessary erm and the radicalization of land reform it appears had been based upon false premises which had created problems in the countryside and the Party .
28 Heath wants to use the promise of riches from the blood products to maintain his large-scale funding of research in British universities and to expand into mass production of the products of that research ( the job which Genentech wants to do for factor VIII ) .
29 The piece of stone or the log of wood selected is treated in an elaborate manner in order to divest it of its inert nature and to infuse into it the power to contain the divine image .
30 At the same time the desire to catch up with more advanced industrial neighbours in Western Europe , to found an overseas empire and to break into the lucrative Atlantic Trade system had led Germany into conflict with the British and French .
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