Example sentences of "and [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 And er as and as and as that .
2 For it was , in truth , as if his legs followed a route from which he could not turn them back — along the sales signs in Oxford Street occupied by a bedraggled army of Christmas bargain hunters , and off that up to the grandiose frontage of the hotel .
3 The Regent had led his army round to the north of Berwick , to the vicinity of Halidon Hill , about three miles north-west of the town , and between that hill and Mordington had halted , in quite a strong position , with marshy ground in front .
4 Their simple capitals support the plain beam of the architrave or epistyle , and between that and the cornice comes the frieze of triglyphs ( a grooved upright over each column and each interval ) and almost square metopes .
5 And about that manuscript you gave me . ’
6 That 's right , yeah , that 's it , yes , and about that tall with a sort of round top and a slim bit and then legs , four legs on the bottom ,
7 And about that boat called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang .
8 and about that much left in the bottle so er
9 I du n no what it is but they 're about that long and about that round and then they got this trigger like you similar what you do on the Vax hold the trigger .
10 and about that length .
11 Auditions are nerve-wracking for everyone who does them ( and for that matter , for everyone who watches them ) but being sure of your text is the least you can do .
12 and for that Christmas at Maurie Hewlett 's
13 But the poem of his that he most needed reassurance about was Homage to Sextus Propertius ( 1919 ) , and for that he had to wait a long time .
14 I felt really devastated that we lost and for that reason I have been looking forward to playing in this event again . ’
15 Or was it true that the Church was so short of people of stature ( under the age of 73 ) that only one man among them had enough stature for the see of London and for that reason his scholarship must be sacrificed on the altar of a higher good ?
16 Conversely , desire bears the imprint of disgust : even as the low other becomes an object of longing , it is simultaneously that on to which is displaced a self-disgust that inheres at the centre of bourgeois desire , and for that matter other forms of desire .
17 The Conservatives ' original goal in opposition was to stabilize the total public spending figure in real terms at its 1977 level and for that total to fall as a share of GDP as the economy grew .
18 He wanted to do a Beatle medley and for that we made four cut-out caricatures of The Beatles in hardboard and painted them and then fitted them on frames and easels so that they could be stood up and moved around .
19 British , and for that matter American , estimates of Russian intentions and capabilities were equally awry .
20 I like big heads that are flat at the back , not pointed , and for that reason in recent years it is Korean males who have attracted me most , with their rich , straight black hair laid perpendicularly on that square-backed skull — always , to me , the sign of a male good at mathematics , the sexiest science .
21 I was the first person to take him simply as he was , and for that he showed his gratitude by giving me a light kiss on the cheek in the darkened carriage .
22 But quite a few samples are thought to have nitrogens of about 1.4% , and for that quality of sample the suggestion in the trade is that a premium of up to £20/t could be available , though this is compared with a spot feed market that has been weakening over the past week .
23 Her mood could escalate into a screaming rage almost without warning , and for that , too , he was responsible .
24 It seems clear that one of the effects of this is that more people are fearful both for their own future and for that of the person who has died .
25 Control is therefore going to be important around the greens and for that reason Severiano Ballesteros should be in with a good chance .
26 Nicky has to find somewhere to live , and for that he needs money … .
27 The Duke also conducted a mission to the coronation of Emperor Nicholas of Russia in 1826 , the Emperor returning the visit by attending , in 1844 , a magnificent garden fete at Chiswick House , with hundreds of guests , numerous musicians , and for that occasion , giraffes were also introduced .
28 We know that families are tied to school holiday dates , and for that reason we offer our highest discounts during these periods ; this is the best time to go combined with the best value .
29 He also underpaid us and for that he will be eternally grateful . ’
30 And for that reason most were destroyed by the Spanish invaders .
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