Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Additionally , drugs widely used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis such as sulfasalazine and 5-ASA are known to be potent anti-reactive oxygen species agents .
2 Do n't get me wrong , I think the Mondays , Geldof and Yates are all twats , but your inability to get your tongue from between Ryder 's buttocks pisses me off .
3 But Bacon and Hobbes were not alone in these ideas .
4 The book was open at Pythagoras ' discovery about the relative lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle , and Hobbes was amazed by Euclid 's proof of this complex idea .
5 Soon her aunt went to get the midday dinner , taking Victoria with her , and Melanie was left in charge .
6 They skirted the edge of the open space , keeping to the borders of woodland which had once been landscaped , and Melanie was grateful , for she would have felt too visible , too exposed out on the sea of grass — a sitting target for some marksman , for the arrow of any figure in Lincoln green who might be flitting among the mossy trunks .
7 However , Victoria 's weekly bath was a ritual , a ceremonial , absorbing all Aunt Margaret 's attention and taking up a great deal of time , and Melanie was by herself in the kitchen , which was warm and smug and complacent since its work was finished for the day .
8 There was a rough , unshiftable pain where Charlie Singer had landed his punch , and Pascoe was drinking whisky to take the edge off it .
9 It was after the finding that the real work began , and Pascoe was not a man given to anticipating events .
10 There 's no doubt , of course , the big shows like Chelsea , Harrogate and Shrewsbury are evidence of the remarkable skill and ingenuity of our rose breeders and growers in producing something new , and assorted tribes of writers , scribes and newspaper correspondents vie with each other to find extravagant superlatives to describe them — but it is all delusion .
11 gets past but he ca n't get past and Shrewsbury are breaking with it but they 're still inside their own half at the moment with Kevin who gave them the fighting chance with the original equalizer inside the first half .
12 For example , in promotional slogans Kings Lynn is ‘ a place to live , work and breathe ’ ; the Isle of Wight is ‘ a unique living and working environment ’ , and Shrewsbury is ‘ where town and country meet ’ .
13 A bus link between Welshpool and Shrewsbury was in operation over the weekend of 26th-27th January due to construction work on the A5/A49 Shrewsbury bypass .
14 Deadwood prospered and Costner was befriended by locals until they discovered he had drawn up plans for an 800-room hotel and conference centre nearby .
15 He has few friends , and already the pressure Ipuky and Reni are putting on him through their friends is filtering down to me .
16 I was taken into hospital with high blood pressure the day after doing my last two pictures for the British Hairdressing Awards and Isha was born the following day .
17 Well it 's those things that we would like to have decision making in these matters , and let's face it Norfolk County Council or the Highway Authority and Breckland are the people of the
18 East Germany 's environmental plight may have had more publicity than that of any other East European country , but its neighbours Poland and Czechoslovakia are almost equally high in the pollution league .
19 Poland accounts for nearly 50% of Eastern Europe 's production while the GDR and Czechoslovakia are both major producers .
20 Britain tops the league for sulphur emissions in Western Europe , but the Eastern block — Russia , East Germany , Poland and Czechoslovakia are by far the worst offenders .
21 Meanwhile , Poland and Czechoslovakia were refusing to allow the transit of Soviet military equipment being brought back to Moscow from Soviet installations in eastern Germany .
22 A friendship treaty between the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia was initialled on Oct. 3 by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Boris Pankin , and his Czechoslovak counterpart , Jiri Dienstbier .
23 But Lou is still legally my husband : Sophie and Ben are certainly my children , not my ex-children .
24 Gemma and Ben are brother and sister
25 To avert an argument , Ruth cut in firmly : ‘ And Ben 's nearly seven , so I 'm quite sure Uncle Ernest knows you 're not babies .
26 And Ben was all she had for companionship ; those who would have been her so-called friends she would n't let over her step , and those she would have liked to call friends would n't come near her step .
27 On the buzzer I rolled over quite a large flathead , but it missed , and that was a fish much bigger than the flatheads both Kate and Ben were catching with great rapidity on fish portions .
28 Above the south side of the Honister Pass between Borrowdale and Buttermere are the disused Honister slate quarries , formerly one of the chief sources of Westmorland slate , used extensively for building and roofing .
29 And although Modigliani and Beatrice were deeply embroiled , the early enchantment was over .
30 But the new policy went ahead from the following autumn , 1956 , with the former resident tutors for Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire being redeployed as staff tutors and with Vivian Ramsbottom as Administrative Officer of the Joint Committee given a roving commission to encourage WEA branches in those counties now deprived of resident tutors .
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