Example sentences of "and [pers pn] 've " in BNC.

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1 Siegfried , I do n't know what you 'll think , but I 've been recommended for the MC — and I 've recommended every single NCO who was with me .
2 And I 've rejected nothing , but the things that happen when working expand the horizons and the understanding .
3 My last chance and I 've made a mess of it .
4 ‘ It 's my wife 's antenatal class this afternoon and I 've got to look after the other one . ’
5 I once made the mistake you 're thinking of making and I 've never got over it .
6 There 's going to be new legislation soon which will make it dead easy for landlords to kick tenants out and I 've had enough of all this as it is . ’
7 And I 've suddenly started to resent those starry eyes of yours and your Lucy .
8 The route in question was at Swanage and not at all difficult — getting its HVS grade for the seriousness of the climbing and not its difficulty and I 've certainly done harder in the last month .
9 My gut reaction has always been against the placing of bolts , and I 've never used them .
10 I 've always owned bitches and I 've always had them done .
11 I know I 'm new , and I 've lost everything .
12 ‘ I made one speech on the subject and I 've not referred to it since , and there seems no purpose in doing so . ’
13 I said all this to Alison , and I 've been saying it to her ever since , and , back in London , I 've been saying it to anyone else who 'll listen .
14 The first pair of real hiking boots I ever had were Daisy Roots and I 've always been impressed by their comfort .
15 And I 've come back years later and it 's had the same effect on me . ’
16 There are , of course , differences and I 've often wondered what is the most significant difference .
17 There was no doubt in my mind what I would do and I 've never regretted going into the business because we 've seen it grow enormously .
18 In fact , I would suggest that anybody who has one ounce of individuality should never go to a business school — and I 've said this often at Cranfield and London — because you 're structured by academics who measure you in the science of business .
19 ‘ I 'm not yet 30 and I 've still got plenty of time to earn more money , ’ he shrugged .
20 ‘ Mr Wexford , I 've heard all you 've said and I 've got to believe it .
21 Marie told me I should n't leave it on when I ai n't in the room , and here I am — the first day she 's gone and I 've gone and left it on .
22 By 1330 hrs it is complete and I 've managed to throw some lunch down and grab another brew .
23 Now I really love dressing up and I 've given all my trainers away to my brother .
24 I 've got more of an athletic figure than a womanly figure — and I 've hardly any waist ’
25 ‘ I go to flamenco classes , collect pictures of elaborate dance costumes and I 've been to lots of shows . ’
26 I was made redundant less than a year after I became a Sheffield city councillor , and I 've never believed in those sorts of coincidences .
27 ‘ They all look nice and happy on the television , and I 've nothing against them as individuals .
28 Now I 've seen club owners in the movies , and I 've listened to their talk in person , but I 've never heard anyone using a word like muppet before .
29 ‘ I was encouraged by the way the idea was received by Sepp Blatter , Fifa 's general secretary , when I met him last month , ’ Kelly said yesterday , ‘ and I 've also been encouraged by his comments since then . ’
30 They 've used old tiles which of course helps — but the proportion , the way the thing 's built … ‘ by the old people of the old materials in the old unhurrying way' ’ but at the same time ‘ ‘ sweet to all modern uses ' ’ … and who do you think did this for her ? — a young chap called Lutyens , 27 he is — and I 've always heard him derided by the Schultz school as a ‘ ‘ society , , architect .
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