Example sentences of "and [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And finally we went to see Karl Dönitz , the admiral who throughout the war had epitomized the U-boat service and been its inspired leader , who in 1943 had relieved Admiral Raeder as Germany 's naval commander-in-chief , and finally for a very brief period before arrest and ten years ' imprisonment in Spandau had succeeded Hitler as Chancellor .
2 Sir Michael Clapham himself retired as Chairman at the end of 1977 having served on the Council from its beginning in 1964 ( and he was at this point the only remaining member from the original Council ) , and been its Chairman for seven years .
3 Urges to punish those who repudiated the woman without whom they would have got nowhere and been nobody have surged in my breast .
4 And are their loyalties to their parent organisation , or to the host organisation , or to both ?
5 And are their headquarters in London like our .
6 And are they a violent group ?
7 And are they the right conditions ?
8 And are they much discussed by the people up there ? ’
9 And are they a patch on Bernard ‘ Hang 'Em All ’ Manning ?
10 And are they famous enough to ask ?
11 How long do they live , and are they likely to breed ?
12 And are they spending as much on promotion as Jefferson would have us believe ? ’ pressed Toby .
13 First : why have there been such strong fluctuations in fertility in the last half-century , and are they likely to continue ?
14 And are they travelling too ? ’
15 A and are they heavier than air ones ?
16 Secondly you must consider the environment within which the work is done ; is it based on PCs or is there a free choice of machines , will data files come from one program or many and are they the same type are just some of the immediate questions here .
17 And are they suspects ? ’
18 And are they happy ? ’ asked Edward .
19 For years people outwith the ivory tower have always asked what do the payroll staff actually look like and are they human !
20 Do both girls and boys have a variety of choices and are they encouraged to aspire to various goals including non traditional ones if they show such inclination ?
21 And are they at ?
22 Now what 's gon na be done about the way we feel is anything gon na be done about it , is the other person taking note of what way we feel and are they gon na do something about it or are they trying to dismiss it ?
23 And are they alright the next day ?
24 And are they , are they feather-lined or are they
25 And are they ?
26 And are they taking them are they ?
27 Erm and you might want to do that formally , you might a if you have pre-meetings with some of these people you might want to say that you are going to sit down and talk it through with me in advance ar and are they happy about that ?
28 And are they nice people ?
29 And are they working well ?
30 This is something that the British harp on that incessantly , using it as the main reason for choosing one restaurant over another , but do we really understand what it means and are we consistent in our assessment of perceived value ?
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