Example sentences of "and [noun] may " in BNC.

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1 The relationship between syntactic category and coverage may then be expressed by Table 3.9 .
2 Prayer and meditation may be alternated to foster a recollected attention , but no activity , however fruitful , should be pursued to the point of extremes : Hilton thus encourages a constant awareness of an inner life to be fostered .
3 ‘ Those who engage in and encourage secret plans and conspiracies may think they are patriots , but they are the worst enemies of their country . ’
4 Second , if much of local authority revenue comes from central government , the levels of spending and taxes may be insensitive to the wishes of local residents .
5 The balance of the work and activities may vary from child to child .
6 One strategy for understanding the cultural divide between women ar.d men in the Arab Middle East is to focus , first or those people — such as women and men of urban elites or upper middle classes for whom changing domestic roles is an explicit issue ; and , second , on a topic — such as marriage and marriage ceremonial where women and men are equally involved and their beliefs and activities may be treated together , not separately .
7 The establishment of the Cambridge Board 's Rural Areas Committee in 1932 to facilitate its extended role in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire may be interpreted as a natural development of the UEMCC 's 1926 stance and officially endorsed by the 1932 Adult Education Regulations through the provisions for the appointment of Article 11 resident tutors in rural areas .
8 The peculiar framing of econometric questions and counterfactuals may posit alternative arrangements in which , in theory , growth would have been as good or even better .
9 The doctor and midwife may start getting to know you and your wishes about pregnancy right from the first visit , by talking over your plans for antenatal care , where you want your baby to be born , how you plan to feed the baby , and so on .
10 As well as their own skilled observations , your doctor and midwife may take advantage of medical technology to help them see how your pregnancy is going .
11 Any one of these may be highlighted and then located in the database to display a full summary of its present rating with regard to the nature of the substance , its source and effect on man , and notes may be added to expand on this .
12 For example , progesterone impairs gall bladder contractility , and oestrogens may increase cholesterol saturation of bile and gall bladder prostaglandin synthesis , and thus possibly mucin secretion by the gall bladder mucosa .
13 Good health resides in areas under more direct personal control , and those with time to investigate such matters as exercise and nutrition may be in a better position than a doctor to arrive at an accurate understanding .
14 Being irreplaceable is an important source of power in social systems , and groups may take steps to strengthen their indispensability .
15 Competition and struggle may be the watchwords but this does not necessarily imply outright hostility .
16 Once again , although an impression of youth united by universal licence is not given , practices and attitudes may be considered more generally advanced or permissive than among the bulk of the population — especially its older members — in Gorer 's study .
17 Fashion and make-up have been with us for a very long time indeed — there are make-up palettes surviving from ancient Egypt — and although men in certain times and cultures may devote a lot of effort to their appearance , it has remained chiefly a feminine domain .
18 Some societies and cultures may indeed be more pleasant to live in , just as some seem more exciting and others nastier .
19 Drawings and sketches may be produced ( a picture paints a thousand words ) with a pen , but not easily by voice .
20 In the society they inhabit they will have to choose at the university level between physics and hi-tech ; philosophy and literature may be pursued only as hobbies .
21 River , meadow , and woodland may lead the spectator to predict ‘ Arcadia among fertility , loveliness , industry and wealth ’ , but the illusion can be sustained only by those who keep their distance , for such ‘ picturesque villages are generally the perennial hotbeds of fever and ague , of squalid penury , sottish profligacy , dull discontent too stale for words ’ .
22 SOCRATES and Plato may be unlikely corner men for an aspiring heavyweight champion , but Lennox Lewis , the man reluctantly carrying the tag of the next Frank Bruno , is a lover of philosophy , and admits to being ‘ one of those deep-thinking kind of guys ’ .
23 Enemas and suppositories may be of use but habitual use of these can create an unhappy and strained parent-child relationship .
24 Well-chosen taps and accessories may help , but gold swans are out .
25 Husbands and sons may need telephone training , she says .
26 On the driest uplands of Antarctica and in oases , encrusting grey and orange lichens Buellia frigida , Alectoria miniuscula , Biatorella antarctica , Umbilicaria decussata and species of Caloplaca , Xanthoria , Usnea and Candelaria may be the only visible signs of life .
27 Hardship and discontent may declare themselves there , in a victim 's revenge .
28 When rates are discounted in this way by substantial amounts , bad feeling and discontent may well develop on the site .
29 Sometimes they transgress a little , in their irreverant use of materials , — as in Hazel Bruce 's mosaic-like ‘ Pavement Fragment I ’ , with its burned , layered and cut silk and paper — and function may have been jettisoned , but the decorative and iconographic nature of traditional embroidery remains : flowers and gardens ( often rather sugary ) and figuration ( with ‘ naive ’ and awkward drawing ) .
30 However , although technology and agriculture may not be sufficient conditions for human happiness , they are certainly a necessary prerequisite , Freud argued .
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