Example sentences of "of her [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Lydia woke early the following morning and went out to wash in the stream , feeling it was brave and somewhat magnanimous of her after it had treated her so ill on the previous night .
2 I wheedled a look out of her after we 'd shared a bottle of wine last night . ’
3 She never did what her mother asked of her although she was good for her father .
4 The boy , however , took no notice of her but raised his eyes to the bottles on the shelves and said , ‘ Acid drops . ’
5 As far as nudity was concerned they quickly accepted it in Josephine 's act as it seemed such a natural part of her but their attitudes were quite prudish when confronted with the nudes backstage .
6 ‘ They know each other well and the prince thinks the world of her but their relationship is purely platonic , ’ she said .
7 I meant to be fond of her but I found her tiring .
8 It was a relief when others came , others who took no notice of her but , if they thought of her at all , must think her as seasoned a traveller as they .
9 Poor soul , I think of her but I dare n't go to see her .
10 All that was substantial to her was the boy whom she touched all down the length of her but did not touch .
11 But when he spoke it was not of her but of Peach , how to feed him , what sort of supplements he should have , that although he had had his routine immunizations , he must have a booster at a year old and also an injection against a new sort of feline virus .
12 He was very fond of her but it strained imagination to see how she could fit into a policeman 's life .
13 I envy her her happiness — she ca n't help it shining out of her but I 'm also bitter against her for saddling me with this lot , and for changing-me from what I was : she made the young girl into a woman before her time and a bitter one at that .
14 Well this is what I know of her but if you really have to Well I 'm no Granny !
15 but she said erm ever so kind of her but she said er she did say who she said there was a friend of hers somebody
16 It 's taken it out of her but she 's
17 Such was Kylie 's hatred of what she called ‘ pirate ’ pictures of her that she instructed her lawyers to look into ways of suing those who published unofficial photographs of her on the myriad items of memorabilia that filled shops all over the world .
18 ‘ It was said in respect of her that there are people who seek flowers in the tree of life where others would never think to look — under dark leaves and on dry branches .
19 He was so much a part of her that she never needed nor wanted to examine too closely the nature of her feeling for him .
20 This remark was so uncharacteristic of her that I am sure it was fully meant .
21 It was typical of her that , although she regarded Hank as a child , she did not ask who would be supervising the group she imagined would be travelling to New York .
22 I remember thinking how typical it was of her that she never thought of being wooed .
23 I was so proud of her that I wanted to take lots of photographs of her while she was young , just like a proud parent with a new baby .
24 But even if this had not been the case ( and there was a part of her that still believed that he 'd come that second time to explain , or apologize ) she would have found an excuse for returning to England , just to be out of Marlin 's company .
25 Although I did n't live with Marian for another four years , it was because of her that I finally left .
26 Schüssler Fiorenza has shown in an impressive way in In Memory of Her that women 's contribution to the life of the church was not so marginal as has often been assumed .
27 ‘ Or is it that you think so highly of her that you ca n't bring yourself to cast her pearls before swine ?
28 Yet there 's something more ; something connected with the part of her that is completely unknowable , tantalizingly out of reach .
29 All these years , she had carried Tyler 's image in her heart , and suddenly there he was , looking at her , startling her , his gaze finding its way into that secret part of her that she had always kept hidden .
30 His head was so full of her that he could think of nothing else .
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