Example sentences of "of years [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It needed to be , with a different corps every couple of years once they became officers and a new baby born every eighteen months or so .
2 Parents usually keep their children at home for a couple of years after they have completed their six years of compulsory education .
3 Oh that was there for years , donkey 's years when , I can remember when I was at school , going to school and it was still there quite a number of years after I left school .
4 For a number of years after he ascended the throne he remained highly deferential to gentry concerns .
5 Specific and lengthy training — usually over a period of years so the non-committed will fall by the wayside .
6 The various pros and cons have been discussed and highlighted in the Journal over the last couple of years so I will not repeat them , although printing costs of the vouchers must be very high compared with a ‘ one off card ’ .
7 Because we 've also been told we 're probably going to lose our jobs in a couple of years unless we 're prepared to move to Glasgow .
8 There was no embassy in Naples but there was probably some consular representation although the War had only finished a couple of years before and not just Italy but the whole of Europe was hopelessly disorganised .
9 There had been a severe tremor a couple of years before and repair work was still going on .
10 She 'd sided with my parents a couple of years before when I 'd been thinking of a career as an artist , and they were opposed to that …
11 If you were aged 40 or more in 1978 , multiply by the number of years before you will be 60 , the state retirement age .
12 Some of the collisions lasted for millions of years before the land was finally in place .
13 In fact , both were deposited many millions of years before the first pine tree grew on earth .
14 Bacteria which normally divide and reproduce themselves every twenty minutes can also form themselves into environmentally resistant spores capable of lying dormant , even entombed in rock , for maybe millions of years before a change of circumstance permits their release with continued growth and reproduction .
15 Now that has come to pass , I think everyone is gearing back down and it will be down for a couple of years before it goes back up ; it just seems to go back and forth .
16 I got the impression that Uncle Phil lived with Meli for quite a few years in in Brighton for a couple of years before she died .
17 The behaviour of privatised industries will have to be studied over a number of years before it is possible to conclude whether the ownership of the company ( ie private or public ) or the market structure ( ie competitive or monopolistic ) is the major determinant of corporate behaviour .
18 Are we to suppose that in the thousands of millions of years before conscious life emerged in the world — and still today in those extensive parts of the universe where no conscious life has yet developed — no wavepacket has ever collapsed , no atom for certain decayed ?
19 But even saying that , if they doubled it to two hundred pounds , it 's a lot of years before we reach four thousand pounds .
20 Barry had also composed the music for The Knack , and raised the idea for Billy with producer Peter Witt over lunch a couple of years before it materialized .
21 The criterion is the number of years before the pre-tax cash receipts from the project pay back the capital invested .
22 When they first met up on a ‘ Carry On ’ set a couple of years before no one knew how strong that love would be .
23 Bats developed " send/receive " switching technology long long ago , probably millions of years before our ancestors came down from the trees .
24 And I 'm disappointed that councillor is talking about a matter of years before we get something done about this .
25 If not , he warned : ‘ It could be a couple of years before we even get into the courtroom itself and no-one can say how long the case will run . ’
26 It could take a number of years before we get them all on A L O courses and in fact there 's no way w I assume there 's no way we can put them on A L O courses til they 've done a crime prevention course at Is that right David ?
27 Ooh now that started before we took out the mortgage , about a couple of years before I think .
28 Erm I , I suppose it 'll be a couple of years before he does that but
29 took me a lot of years before I could and I was so pleased when once I was able to say to you I 've Ben had been in the shop and we 'd had a chat had n't we ?
30 They spent thousands of years before they could understand fractions
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