Example sentences of "of time for " in BNC.

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1 Finally , duration is correlated with the period of time for which the relevant neurones are active .
2 The length of time for these processes to occur is very short ( up to 6 seconds ) .
3 The second cause for concern is the sheer length of time for which the parties seem to continue .
4 But Fisher raised the question of time for study and writing .
5 The most common period of time for this sort of agreement is three or four years , and the advances payable should reflect this .
6 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
7 It left plenty of time for shopping and meeting friends , two of her passions .
8 DECADES make convenient units of time for historians , sociologists and pundits of every stripe , but the people who live and work through them do n't share the same enthusiasm for tying everything into bundles or stopping precisely at midnight on December 31 .
9 Accountants Touche Ross asked for an extension of time for the filing of a ‘ monitoring return ’ giving details of Barlow Clowes ' finances which was due by the end of that month .
10 It was not as I had expected at all because living in the kind of commune that Mary Finnigan 's house was , there was n't a lot of time for romance .
11 He thinks it is a waste of time for foreigners to try to help change things in Central America .
12 I 've got a lot of time for … personnel … track record … . ’
13 It s going to take a bit of time for the factories to dole us out some more .
14 ‘ Plenty of time for practice . ’
15 Last year she had a lovely crop from her plot , which measures about 2ft by 3ft ; this year she dug it over in plenty of time for May 4 , the day on which she sows on the basis of an old saying : ‘ the 4th of May is kidney bean day ’ .
16 ‘ I can hardly be expected to have a great deal of time for gardening , ’ she said , ‘ I am forced to pay out money for gardening help . ’
17 The length of time for which the earth had been at a temperature suitable for life was estimated at not more than a million years .
18 Apart from whether or not these exercises are effective ( they are certainly found to be enjoyable and relaxing by many pupils ) , they have given the teacher a secure base from which to work , for the teacher can be very much in charge , dictating the choice of exercise , controlling the length of time for each , selecting the background music where felt to be appropriate or even dictating the moment-to-moment activity within the experience .
19 We will introduce a 110-day limit on the length of time for which a prisoner may be held before trial , repeal the broadcasting ban , and provide for the videotaping of police interviews with terrorist suspects .
20 But there was plenty of time for fear .
21 Allocations of time for individual subjects were omitted from the bill .
22 Her father had always had a great deal of time for the Sally Ann .
23 ‘ Plenty of time for that , ’ said Mrs Lennox from the range where she was putting the kettle on .
24 Thus , safe and composed , we arrived in the very heart of Derbyshire 's beautiful and historic Peak District , looking forward to our three day stay and in plenty of time for dinner .
25 His nature had been over-mature and he had been focused so much on his career that he had never had a great deal of time for his family .
26 There 'll be plenty of time for all night parties when you 're grown up .
27 She 's not got a lot of time for him now , I can pretty well reveal that .
28 According to the theologian O. Cullmann in his book Christ and Time , ‘ the symbol of time for primitive Christianity as well as for Biblical Judaism … is the upward sloping line , while in Hellenism it is the circle ’ .
29 I had also been taking up quite a lot of time for public service , chairing the National Gas Consumers ' Council , and also , more relevantly , working under Richard Hoggart who was chairing the Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education , which had a remit to develop national policies for education as a process continuing throughout life .
30 Allow plenty of time for them to find out what they do not know and summarize to bring together the strands of the discussion to a point where you both understand the proposed action .
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