Example sentences of "of time was " in BNC.

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1 Even at the level of the Nikol'sk village Soviet a high proportion of time was spent on tax problems .
2 For the part-time farmer lack of time was often associated with fatigue , with an hour or two of manual work being added to a 7 to 8 hour working day .
3 Many in South Wales also chose this method of combating a drop in returns and yet we have already seen that lack of time was a likely constraint in the future .
4 By far the greatest amount of time was spent in journeys to town for spare parts , veterinary medicines , etc. , or as in one case , where the wife was particularly active , to check the livestock prices with a view to selling cattle .
5 Lack of time was one factor , for many women now had work outside the home as well as family responsibilities .
6 The establishment of time was now of the essence ; conflicting evidence came from all quarters .
7 To what degree , however , such a view of time was developed in Mesopotamian thought is not revealed by the cuneiform records , although according to Seneca the late Babylonian astronomer-priest Berossus ( c.300 BC ) believed in the periodic destruction and re-creation of the universe .
8 The significance of time was , of course , implicit in the eschatological character of Zoroastrianism .
9 Long before the time of Aristoxenus , some of the most acute Greek thinkers had found that the concept of time was difficult to reconcile with their idea of rationality .
10 Tragedy involves the past , and it arose when the Greek awareness of time was becoming clearer and stronger .
11 One of the most significant features characterizing the Hebrew experience of time was the ‘ contemporaneity of past and future ’ .
12 Plotinus believed that the origin of time was to be found in the life of the world-soul .
13 This atomistic view of time was associated with a drastically contingent and acausal concept of the world , its existence at one instant not implying its existence at any subsequent instant .
14 This type of eschatological view of time was , of course , not confined to Islam , for we find it also in Zoroastrianism , Judaism , and early and medieval Christianity .
15 In the Vedic period the abstract idea of time was regarded as the fundamental principle of the universe , but whether it was made into a deity is uncertain .
16 Their conception of time was magical and polytheistic .
17 The need for punctuality was not due to any desire for ‘ saving time ’ but because the strict regulation of time was needed to help maintain the discipline of monastic life .
18 In England , belief in the uniformity of time was greatly influenced by the Puritans in their strong opposition to the practices of the Roman Church , in particular to the idea of special days in the ecclesiastical calendar .
19 This shift of time was not apparent in the woman Sandison had just seen .
20 I said I thought a great deal of time was taken up with Committees .
21 If his estimate of time was accurate , it would have been rather more than an hour since it had stopped .
22 Having read this I was drawn to the words of the Apostle Paul when he wrote ‘ But when the fulness of time was come , God sent forth his Son , made of a woman , made under the law , to redeem them that were under the law , that we might receive the adoption of sons . ’
23 Mankind will have to accept that this product of immense periods of time was indisputably in existence inside the evolutionary story , waiting to be taken up as the only source available from which could be acquired a foundation for the God that man must ultimately have , and which was not completely imaginary , and therefore subject to unlimited interpretations .
24 No extension of time was permitted beyond the scheduled hours of the games .
25 Lady Isobel 's idea of time was elastic .
26 A brief look at the content of the women 's programme gives us a flavour of how homosexuality was represented : a good deal of time was devoted to an interview with Steve , a prospective female-to-male transsexual ( displaying a common confusion with homosexuality and transsexuality ) .
27 During the first consultation a great deal of time was taken up listening to Maxine 's story and reassuring her that her problem was not incapable of being solved , although at that stage I was not quite certain how long this would take .
28 A great deal of time was spent haggling over prices for specific tasks .
29 A still more ambitious project was the publication in 1948 of Time Was Away : A Notebook in Corsica , with spine and typography designed by Keith Vaughan .
30 Standardisation of time was necessary because cancer incidence is rising slowly in the west of Scotland and because prescribing atenolol increased greatly during the period of study ( fig 1 ) .
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