Example sentences of "of which be " in BNC.

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1 I intended to ‘ exploit ’ my popularity in my country in order to impose upon my readers a book centred on the Ashkenazi civilisation , history , language and frame of mind , all of which are virtually unknown in Italy , except by some sophisticated readers of Joseph Roth , Bellow , Singer , Malamud , Potok , and of course yourself .
2 Perhaps the most ‘ modern ’ of the Restoration writers is George Farquhar ; period artifice is not so obtrusive in his plays , the best known of which are The Recruiting Officer and The Beaux Stratagem .
3 There are a host of audition pieces to be derived from the soliloquies and monologues , many of which are well tried favourites , and almost any selection will be reasonably well known .
4 The ethnic identity or contractarian ideology of the Ulster loyalist is clear in its origins , motivated by powerful economic , ethical , and religious convictions , all of which are interrelated , mutually supporting , and validated by the existence of a dominating catholic — nationalist bloc in the Republic of Ireland .
5 Inter-war interior design depended on subtelty and understatement , neither of which are much valued in the running of a pub today .
6 Two brands of dried pasta are marketed by ItalBrokers — Ferrari and Dallari , both of which are made with flour and eggs only .
7 For instance , Colchicum autumnale ( naked ladies or meadow saffron ) , bulbs of which are available now , will flower if placed dry on a sunny windowsill .
8 Its frenzied rejection was very different to that of the many projects listed in the Police Foundation or Home Office Registers of Research mentioned above , most of which are simply ignored and never ever receive any review .
9 It is an act of faith of most brain scientists , including , as must be obvious by now , this one , that an understanding of the brain will lead to an understanding of behaviour and of the processes that control and underpin behaviour , some of which are conscious and some unconscious , but which taken together correspond to the folk-psychological term ‘ mind ’ .
10 For causal theorists there are only nerve impulses , all of which are essentially the same .
11 Over the centuries carving has built up a range of chisels and gouges , the names of which are as esoteric as the craft itself
12 For the purpose of a choreographic grammar the word ‘ impetus ’ can be interpreted in three ways ali of which are applicable to the design .
13 It has many one-pitch routes , few of which are more than 6a .
14 The lengths of the outings varies from a gentle stroll to long mountain days , details of which are shown on maps in the now familiar pen and ink style of Mark Richards .
15 The budget cuts would mean significant delays in 1990 production of missiles , a handful of which are due to be sold to Britain .
16 One answer seems to be that the market will take another look at Impressionist prints , and those by the Nabis , both of which are beginning to seem undervalued , in comparison with what was produced by their successors .
17 There are only about 550 Grade I listed properties in Norfolk , more than 400 of which are churches .
18 Archaeologists have found 28 skeletons , six iron spearheads , five iron shield bosses , 18 iron knives , 12 decorated bronze brooches some of which are gilded , six pairs of bronze wrist and clothes clasps , two spindle whorls -one ceramic and one of glass — one bone comb , two pots and 90 beads .
19 Sir : Clive Fewins 's article ( Weekend , 7 October ) rightly praised the excellent work of the Redundant Churches Fund , but it should also serve as a reminder that there is still no Redundant Chapels Fund to conserve some of the best examples of Non-Conformist buildings , many of which are in imminent danger of demolition or drastic alteration .
20 Among Easton 's section police ‘ common sense ’ subsumes all competences , being an indexical category flexible enough to include different sorts of skills , all of which are described as constituting common sense .
21 Socially and demographically the period has been dominated by two factors — the fall in the size of families and the increase in the expectation of survival to retirement , the effects of which are still far from having exhausted themselves .
22 Aid is now essential to Africa as any kind of external finance is essential : it is a means of paying for imports which would otherwise not be bought , about half of which are capital goods necessary for the maintenance of assets , badly depreciated after years of neglect .
23 By the time Marx wrote Formen he had not yet read Maine and Phear , who were to influence him later , but he had read descriptive accounts of Indian and Indonesian village life and history , especially in Sir Thomas Raffles , History of Java [ 1817 ] , M. Wilks , Historical Sketches of the South of India [ 1810–17 ] , and G. Campbell , Modern India [ 1852 ] , all of which are quoted in Capital .
24 Campers are welcome to use communal kitchens and dining rooms , and there are washing facilities for both us and our clothes , each of which are in need .
25 Callinicos ' criticism of the ‘ postmodern ’ hypothesis contains a range of emphases , the three principal ones of which are : First : advocates of the postmodern in art ( which attains uncommon prominence in so far as the ‘ postmodern ’ is powerfully underwritten by a claimed distinction from Modernism ) , tend to misread the modern and arrogate its defining characteristics to their own period .
26 For all its undoubted talents , chief of which are its chassis , cabin and controls , the 300SL-24 fails to do the same .
27 Filtered through hundreds of feet of layers of purifying sand , shale and rock , the rain water has been enriched with natural minerals — the most beneficial of which are calcium , for building bones , magnesium and sodium , an important constituent of salt .
28 Here are lots of low-fat sandwich filling suggestions — many of which are moist enough to use without butter , margarine or low-fat spread .
29 After a period of 12–36 months , the last 2–3 weeks of which are spent in a pupal stage near the surface , the grub becomes a fully grown beetle .
30 Apart from the four first-floor bedrooms , all of which are housed in the roundels and which are 5.1m ( 17ft ) in diameter , the upper storey was used to house a large games room , an airing cupboard and a bathroom .
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