Example sentences of "of a people " in BNC.

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1 The beauty and achievements of Bohemian art can perhaps be called Czech only with an effort , but there is no doubt of the attachment of a people to the heritage that they can rightly claim .
2 Perhaps this much can be said without suggesting that the book is an epic for Kenya Asians , which tells of a people threatened by nobodies , nothings , and managing to survive .
3 ‘ A stab in the heart leaves a hole , ’ says the proverb of a people Leonard refers to as ‘ professionals ’ when it comes to suffering and loss ; this trauma was one in which Leonard and his sister grew up .
4 Unwittingly perhaps , Cardinal Glemp reflected this when he enjoined Jews not to speak from ‘ the position of a people raised above all others ’ and added , in a classic restatement of the myth of Jewish omnipotence : ‘ Your power is in the mass media , at your immediate disposal in many countries .
5 He needs to be aware of the social reasons pulling at ordinary people , the conditions of work in an industrial society , the nature of a people 's amusements .
6 In the whole history of a people its holiest moment is when it awakens from its unconsciousness and for the first time thinks of its old holy rights .
7 Bauer argued that nations were not , as Marx argued , temporary historical formations produced by the rise and rule of the bourgeoisie , but of great antiquity , capable of outlasting all economic change , the residue of the history of a people , ‘ the totality of men bound , together through a common destiny in a community of character ’ .
8 Consequently , when a handful of practitioners came together in 1979 , it did so with a single guiding principle : ‘ the real measure of development is the ability of a people to build its own comprehensive and complimentary and independent infrastructure that is capable of dealing with its own problems , needs and aspirations . ’
9 Arguedas , however , was faced with the thorny problem of translating into the alien medium of Spanish the sensibility of a people which expresses itself in Quechua , and his great achievement has been to evolve a style which captures the rhythm and flavour of Quechua to convey the spiritual world of the Andean Indians .
10 In 1859 Engels contemptuously referred to them as the ‘ ruins ’ of a people ‘ no longer capable of a national existence ’ .
11 The activists had given up on a people 's peace — and they were not yet ready to explore the possibilities of a people 's war .
12 Charles Dowd 's invention gleams dully in the half-gloom , trodden upon by the sandals and the bare feet of a people who , despite the name of their hotel , take little obvious pleasure or pride in knowing their unique status .
13 ‘ Great questions in the life of a people ’ , said Lenin , ‘ are decided only by force . ’
14 TO UNDERSTAND the two most important things about the Greek economy , you need to remember that economic performance is just one of the outward manifestations of a people 's inner life .
15 In this sense the elements of a people 's ‘ real ’ universe can be ‘ turned upside down ’ as easily as those of its linguistic universe , since their apprehension of both stem from the same fundamental principles of thought and meaning construction .
16 Oakeshott recognizes a morality inherent in the rule of law and suggests that to deliberate the jus of lex involves not deduction but a particular kind of moral consideration ; that the prescriptions of law ‘ should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility ’ of a people .
17 And the continuing vitality of these traditions rested on ‘ public opinion ’ or ‘ the prevailing educated moral sensibility of a people ’ .
18 Explorations into the Ethos of a People
19 In 1938 Leo Amery expressed it in this way : ‘ when we are faced with the competition of a people who lay stress on the healthy development of their young manhood and womanhood , how can we afford a situation in which something like twenty-five per cent of the children of our country are growing up under-nourished and likely to belong to the C3 rather than the A1 type when they grow up .
20 And yet the stance of Quebec nationalism is that of a people in headlong retreat before historical forces which threaten to overwhelm it ; a movement whose very advances are viewed in terms of potential weakness rather than as success .
21 Whatever social and political abuses Herod might perpetrate , these were seen merely as symptoms of a much more profound dilemma — the dilemma of a people who had been abandoned by their God .
22 The exclusion on the grounds of race of a people who laid as much emphasis on their own ethnic origins as did the Japanese , and who implicitly believed in their own superiority , appeared an unpardonable insult .
23 For a start Christianity , and Judaism before it , arose amid the history and literature of a people .
24 Of the ‘ scholar patriots ’ perhaps one can say that , instead , they helped to awaken the national consciousness ; and in the evening of his life Phan Boi Chau , in a moving analogy in which Vietnam was likened to an orphan child which by this time should have learned to walk and France to a tutor who felt that the child was easier to control when he was unable to run , talked of a people whose traditional values had been destroyed and who were thus a generation of uprooted people on their own soil .
25 It has been a great triumph for France 's construction and agricultural engineers , a dazzling testimony to the industry and enterprise of a people who so often appear , to those who do not know them , to be in a perpetual state of political and economic chaos .
26 In the Yeats memorial lecture in Dublin , for example , he talked about the theatre as a medium for " the expression of the consciousness of a people " and two years later he castigated the failure of most poetic drama to evoke the rhythms of " colloquial speech " ; he returned to this theme a year later when , in a preface to S. L. Bethell 's Shakespeare and the Popular Dramatic Tradition , he described the language of poetic drama as the language which people " would speak today if they could speak in poetry " .
27 By the end of the book , " culture " has become a metaphor for some kind of Bradleyan unity to which we may aspire but which we can never reach ; idealism consorts oddly with Eliot 's sociology , however , and it is not at all clear if " culture " is a neutral term used to describe the whole way of life of a people or if it is being employed as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the various standards and aspirations of a society .
28 one could perhaps use the term ‘ society ’ just as well , but the word culture , with its connotations of the way of life of a people , seems preferable because of the potential influence of the curriculum on ideas , beliefs , values and habits .
29 A constitution is not the act of a government , but of a people constituting a government , and a government without a constitution is power without right …
30 One such group were the Cincars , descendants of a people of Romanian origin who moved into the Balkans during the early days of Turkish rule .
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