Example sentences of "of the government " in BNC.

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1 Death squad killings , ‘ disappearances ’ , illegal arrests and torture persist in spite of the Government and the Farabund Marti National Liberation Front signing the Agreement on Human Rights in July 1990 , under the auspices of the United Nations .
2 Recent information from former detainees , lawyers and human rights activists indicates that suspected political opponents of the government , including boys under 18 , have been detained in garde à vue well beyond the maximum 10-day period and without obtaining further authorization after four days as required by Tunisian law .
3 In Kenya Harris Okong'o Arara continues to serve a five-year sentence imposed in 1988 under a law which makes it a criminal offence simply to possess literature critical of the government .
4 This aid money — worth US$1 billion per annum — is crucial to the fulfilment of the government 's economic policies .
5 It is to be regretted that many of the Government 's measures relating to its asylum policy introduced in the past few years , have been to discourage new arrivals .
6 During the period 1947–51 , an inordinate delay on the part of the government was experienced in bringing forward the requisite bill legalizing adoption , despite considerable pressure from prospective adoptive parents and adoption agencies .
7 That is in the hands of the government . ’
8 The likelihood of their serving at home or oversea — ‘ Were you not aware of the government 's express assurance on the latter point ? ’
9 Allowing it to become an executive toy of yet another millionaire would drive the final nail in the coffin of the Government 's green credentials — both at home and abroad . ’
10 The breed is currently undergoing a backlash of adverse publicity in light of the Government 's ban on ‘ aggressive ’ dogs , such as the American Pit Bull Terrier and Japanese Tosa .
11 Professor Akira Fujiwara , an acknowledged expert on the Rape of Nanking who was called as one of the witnesses in the case , said that ‘ in spite of the government 's promise to correct bias in history textbooks , the screening system has actually got worse since the 1982 diplomatic protests .
12 The difference goes far deeper than the political complexion of the government .
13 After 10 years of the Government 's ideological obsession with privatisation , deregulation and competition , and reduced financial support , we have a transport system which is the shabbiest , most expensive , most congested , most environmentally damaging and least safe of any economy , ’ he said .
14 Opponents of the Government have criticised the policy because it makes unions responsible for disruption which they have not organised and in some cases may oppose .
15 There is also the small matter of the Government 's golden share which can block a hostile bid for Jaguar and does not expire until the end of next year .
16 At another rally in Budapest , the ‘ Unity Platform ’ led by the former hardline ideologist , Janos Berecz , was stressing ‘ Bolshevik values ’ and condemning the ‘ monetarist policies ’ of the government .
17 Winfried Wolk , leader of the East German Christian Democrat party , an ally of the government but a critic of the anniversary celebration , warned against confrontation .
18 That stalemate might provide a private sector equivalent of the Government 's golden share .
19 Her father was an eccentric , outspoken critic of the government , who was killed by police in 1985 .
20 He previously conducted two studies on behalf of the Government into TCS .
21 Coopers & Lybrand worked on the first study in conjunction with Samuel Montagu , the merchant bank which is handling the sale on behalf of the Government .
22 Accounts of their trial suggest that it took the form of a political witch-hunt , with the intention of intimidating other critics of the government .
23 A leader of the US Communist Party in New York from the late 1940s , he was imprisoned in 1953 for two years for violating the Smith Act , which made it a crime to advocate the violent overthrow of the Government .
24 However , Sir Claus Moser , former head of the Government Statistical Service ( GSS ) , and Sir David Cox , a former president of the Royal Statistical Society ( RSS ) , identify the turning point in the history of British official statistics as a White Paper in 1981 entitled Government Statistical Services .
25 According to Sir Claus , who ran the services from 1967 to 1978 : ‘ Before the Rayner Review the purpose of the government statistical services was to serve several masters , first and foremost — and this was never in doubt - the Government ; but also industry , academics the public , indeed the whole nation …
26 Sir David is assured of the support of Sir Claus Moser , newly-elected President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science , Warden of Wadham College , Oxford , and a former head of the Government Statistical Service from 1967 to 1978 .
27 Once the public start questioning the integrity of government statistics , they are questioning the integrity of the Government itself . ’
28 However , Lord Marshall 's letter says that because of the Government 's commitment to introduce competition into electricity supply as quickly as possible ‘ alternative arrangements for protecting the security of supply ’ would need to be made , involving a ‘ capacity deficiency scheme ’ .
29 Sir : The Royal Statistical Society indeed has a keen interest in government statistics ( 'Moves to monitor use of statistics by Government' , 9 October ) and is planning an open discussion meeting in December , introduced by the head of the Government Statistical Service , on the topic of public confidence in official statistics .
30 BLACKPOOL : A bit of a cheer went up when the news came through last week in Brighton of the Government 's humiliation at the hands of the Bundesbank .
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