Example sentences of "a way that " in BNC.

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1 But they are a reality which Naipaul treats in such a way that they , too , can at times seem phantasmagorical .
2 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
3 It centres the classical traditions in a way that no other kind of training can do .
4 Playing Richard III combines both of these features for you in a way that makes your point .
5 I do n't want to ‘ politicize ’ the homeless in a way that makes them look like the front-line infantry fighting a barbaric government , which is a line some people have taken , simply because when you 're out there , it just is n't like that .
6 Three days before she came back , I cleaned the flat , bought a new jacket and five bright new cotton shirts , stayed sober , worked like hell on the magazine in a way that made Francis ‘ gasp and stretch his eyes ’ .
7 When I offer you champagne you laugh in a way that only you have , like a stream all at once a delighted cascade into this deep swirling pool of warm humour .
8 A thrusting action should accompany all linear punches and kicks , since it is believed to be related to potential power in a way that a snapping action is not .
9 The front leg then lifts into a roundhouse kick and drops in such a way that the hips are cocked for a powerful reverse punch .
10 Midges drawn by the smell of their sweat swarmed round their heads and young Angus began to regret his curiosity , but his father 's face was set and dark in a way that froze out complaints , or chatter of any kind .
11 Recent work has confined that it is not possible to measure intensity of subjective sensation in a way that is distinct from and independent of measurement of the physical stimulus from which it is derived ; that Fechner 's logarithmic transform exists only as a mathematical construction to link reports of sensations with measurements of stimuli ; and an experimental subject 's conformity to Stevens ' power law depends on his getting the experiment ‘ right ’ .
12 It was dirty and shoddy in a way that was very symbolic of New York : square blocks , square buildings , several storeys higher than English ones , packed full of people , no yards , no gardens , not even mingy ones with soot covered plants .
13 Edberg moves gracefully and speedily over the grass in a way that would surely be the envy of a Torville and Dean .
14 Can certain individuals be directed in such a way that they stand out from the mass because they are the tellers of the story , the chief exponents in the drama or theme ?
15 It is particularly appropriate in the case of a ballet that tells a story where the libretto has to be set out in such a way that the action can be logically developed and each item roughly timed .
16 The choreographer must learn the natural functioning of the dancers ' bodies in order to combine steps and poses in a way that gives quality to the whole .
17 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
18 The Second Fairy brings Grace and dances slightly faster in such a way that she shows off the lines of her body as it faces forwards and then backwards ( the traditional gesture ) .
19 The head , body and arms open out boldly in such a way that the performer is seen to be fully revealed to all as an honest , sincere person who has no need to dissemble .
20 Some English academics are genuinely at home with them , in a way that is directly related to their familiarity with French intellectual culture .
21 In that incomparable verse Racine surely articulates the classical and terrible conception that underlies also Virgil 's treatment of Dido : sexual passion , the erotic , understood as one undifferentiated energy running wild , fastening itself seemingly at random on this person or that one , and switching from one to another in a way that discredits all human vows of constancy .
22 The most probable reason , considering the fanciful and irresponsible way the tabloid press operates these days , is a wish to punish newspapers for libel in a way that hurts and deters .
23 He explained his vision of primacy stemmed from the way the Pope can sometimes speak for all Christians in a way that no other bishop can .
24 ‘ The fire had the effect of attracting ministerial attention to Hampton Court in a way that would not otherwise have happened , ’ said Genie Turton , under-secretary at the Department of the Environment .
25 Perhaps it is not possible to produce Peter Shaffer 's 1964 play about the conquest of Peru in a way that is informed by our subsequently increased awareness of how such representation works .
26 ‘ This implies intervention in the economy in a way that is anathema to the Tories . ’
27 Future Neil Kinnocks — or David Blunketts or Michael Meachers or even Ken Livingstones — will find that their best strategy in their early years in national politics will be to act and speak in a way that appeals to ordinary television-watching , newspaper-reading Labour Party members , rather than to the left 's hyperactivists .
28 We can at least begin to understand the human life and affection and anger and doubts and suffering and death of God in a way that we could not possibly begin to understand what it means for him to be God .
29 ‘ It 's not just that the objectives have been achieved , of getting the policy reviews endorsed , and conducting ourselves in a way that will attract the British people .
30 The only sensible question is how to meet this demand in a way that does not wreck the countryside .
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