Example sentences of "of they just " in BNC.

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1 When Jim Courier and Andre Agassi roomed together at Nick Bolletieri 's tennis academy in Florida , one of them just had to leave the door ajar .
2 Most of them just go with the flow , ending up as something like a gas fitter or a policeman .
3 Many of them just lie there helplessly until somebody manhandles them over the side of the boat .
4 Megadeth are a band with thousands of followers , some of them just starting out on the guitar .
5 ‘ And at the end there were people crying , people laughing — all of them just overjoyed at my success .
6 Her hearers found it difficult to believe that this screaming was involuntary ; some thought she was drunk , or ill , or possessed by an evil spirit , but most of them just wanted her out of the way : ‘ some wished she was on the sea in a bottomless boat ’ .
7 As for Labour peers , ‘ most of them just love it — the ante-room of heaven , one calls it ’ .
8 I would rather see a few children unnecessarily separated from their parents than thousands of them just remain without any parents at all ! [ … ] .
9 ‘ You can even cheek your teachers and some of them just do n't do anything , you know .
10 Eggs so comma but all of them just before the last one .
11 Some of them helped , but most of them just stood in their doorways and watched .
12 Had kept all of them just for the proud thrill of his in truth rather badly formed hand .
13 Ninety per cent of them just slog along with their heads down , following the established line and being intellectual conformists because it 's the easiest way to win peer approval .
14 ‘ But there 's also evidence that some of them just — exploded from inside . ’
15 Some of them just want to go back to places they liked while they were still alive .
16 And some of them just hit return .
17 Two adolescent girls in New Zealand had killed with a brick the mother of one of them just because they wanted to .
18 The rest of them just e did n't put anything into it at all .
19 In general , in a system of large enough horizontal extent , one expects to find a spatially random distribution of thermals with some of them just forming , some in vigorous convection and some fading away , with the interval between formation and fading away being very variable .
20 The rest of them just paused and hesitated .
21 No , well they all said next time they 'll check , because some of them just just take it for granted .
22 Well , you know a lot of p a lot of them just ca n't check .
23 Yeah well I was talking , I was talking to a friend and they said that , you know , there 's some homophobic attacks and some of them just happen to occur because people are walking in a gay area
24 But really most of them just want to travel and earn a few bob .
25 I 've come across three people who have become psychologically dependent on it one of them just 15 . ’
26 How nice it was to be able to use all of the pedestrian walkways and see the beauty of them just as the planners visualised .
27 Most of them just keep , just go like that yeah and she sort of goes mm mm mm mm she sort of sways .
28 If you fancy viewing any of them just give us a call .
29 Definitely two of them just see the other one 's just going over the
30 if some of them just do it to be on the television .
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