Example sentences of "of [indef pn] call " in BNC.

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1 God continued the inexorable course of his divine love , and again from that immeasurable passion spoke the word of creation and out of nothing called into existence the material universe .
2 Have you heard of someone called Laura ?
3 But what else could you expect of someone called Sebastian ?
4 There was no board outside proclaiming it to be a guest house , or hotel , so if it was n't , and they only took in private guests , or friends , she could hardly go dumping herself on them just on the recommendation of someone called Annie , could she ?
5 I do n't see this tripping over to Ireland , on the word of somebody called Jack . "
6 ( I suppressed the urge to point out that the chances of two such patently zephyr-grade minds producing anything remotely resembling a storm was roughly equivalent to the likelihood of somebody called Cohen landing a pork scratching concession in Mecca during Ramadan . )
7 To take an example from my own professional field , sinology , the first Christian missionaries in China were confronted with the Neo-Confucian cosmology , for which the universe is composed of something called ch'i and ordered by something called li .
8 In interpreting ideas and behaviour in societies which others might characterize as ‘ peaceful ’ , we suggest abandoning the focus on the lack of something called ‘ aggression ’ ( or violence ) and the construction of theories that attempt to account for this ‘ anomalous ’ absence .
9 In a most confusing way , an analysis of something called legitimacy first equates legitimacy with opinion , then goes to a restatement of the standard liberal-pluralist description of the structure of power … turns next to a discussion of stability , and finally resolves stability into passivity or acquiescence caused by cognitive confusion , conflict of interest , and inability to translate one 's desires into political decisions due to certain institutional arrangements .
10 It is often claimed that the government of many European States in the generation or more before the French Revolution is distinguished from earlier practice by the existence of something called ‘ Enlightened Despotism ’ .
11 By that evening the poor bastard was the designer of something called ‘ Friends of Rolling Stone ’ . ’
12 A blind student and his partially-sighted friend are preparing to climb Ben Nevis with the aid of something called a hoople .
13 Now the company has an aggressive mission , to promote the Rabbit name ( which Chuck Robins selected in desperation after a Volkswagen Rabbit came into his line of vision while he was trying to think of something to call the company ) and to achieve 50% of revenues in Europe within the next three years .
14 Donald had got four sponge rolls , three jumbo packets of cornflakes , five loaves of bread , some digestive biscuits , a square packet of something called Uncle Sam ‘ s Chocolate Chip Cookies , a Battenburg cake and two mixed , assorted crisps , in bags that were the size of a small dustbin .
15 The turbine itself was still being ‘ done up ’ at Nigel 's works , and there was much talk of something called the alternator which was being shipped from Ceylon .
16 For instance , he took her to a newly opened Greek restaurant , and introduced her to the delights of something called Baklava Syrien , which , having a sweet tooth , she very much enjoyed — although he managed simultaneously to annoy her by various highly irritating remarks about the way in which West Indians eat Kit-e-Kat , and by a joke about a man in a Chinese restaurant who found a finger in his Chinese soup .
17 These interesting ideas arise out of something called The General Theory of Relativity .
18 Half-a-dozen coolies have been clapped in irons — assorted Bolsheviks and members of something called the " Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang " — the Nationalist Party . "
19 Outside an open door of something called the Wells Workshop , at the kerb , stood a large American sports car .
20 As for Wolverhampton 's budget , there was a serious overrun last year of some £2 million , including on the operation of something called the Jennie Lee centre .
21 The lack of anyone to call upon for guidance .
22 The truth is , surely , that we can form no reasonable conception of anything called education existing on its own with the kind of value we may like to ascribe to education in the real world .
23 I think at the point where I was struggling to understand what I could do to help myself , I certainly was n't aware of anything called patient-centred medicine at that point , or group-activity in relation to health .
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