Example sentences of "of [indef pn] have " in BNC.

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1 This forgiveness of her and of everyone had called up its opposite .
2 It 's more a question of nothing 's gone right , than what 's gone wrong for the Cherry and Whites .
3 Very thoughtful of someone to have engaged a maid for her in hospital .
4 Allen studied the Neolithic revolution and became convinced that it was not a matter of someone having a bright idea and beginning to plant seeds .
5 OVER the years I have learned to stop wincing at the description of someone having a drink problem .
6 It might be said that what Wittgenstein says about the criteria of someone having understood a colour-word provides a reason for answering the question affirmatively .
7 of someone having left : dust , unsettled
8 The product does not have to remain in the packaging and the mere possibility of someone having tampered with the goods is not sufficient to exonerate the defendant .
9 The men who came to see you , they would n't think of somebody having to empty their pockets before they play the piano — but that 's really what a woman does , is n't it ?
10 Current age , twenty five , the likelihood of somebody having a heart attack or developing cancer before sixty five , heart attack one in ten males , one in thirty nine females , cancer one in ten males , one in ten females .
11 Oh yes well you see , very occasionally , I 'd heard of somebody having an oak cokin coffin .
12 Sort of somebody 's put the the road .
13 Whereas the wife of one had afforded a new hat , the wife of the other was short of sous for knitting-wool .
14 His pleasure at the escape had for some reason given way now to even more sadness in the presence of the eagles that were still caged , as if the escape of one had intensified the sense of imprisonment of the others .
15 A warrant for the arrest of one had already been issued .
16 No you have n't got that one , see , that comes in handy , now you 've got ten you 've got to get rid of one have you ?
17 Not a big problem , but enough of one to have tried and failed for several years at everything from Weightwatchers to F-Plan .
18 The perfect condition of everything had somewhat disguised the extreme age of the place , but now it was obvious .
19 Now that the contents of everything have to be described in great detail on the packaging , they duly told the French people that it contained preservatives .
20 Th it 's not a case of everything 's contained within the stimulus that 's coming in and we elaborate it into whate the object .
21 If criminals on the whole are not clearly differentiated from non-criminals , it is difficult to explain their crime in terms of something having gone wrong with them ( except in the tautological sense that the commission of the crime itself represents something having gone wrong with them ) .
22 Also there was no other way to express her sense of something having arrived from somewhere else , something normally invisible to the eye choosing to put on a human form .
23 What leads up to this actualization is not specified , the very fact of something having led to it constituting that which is judged negatively by the speaker .
24 Some stations stood in the heart of thriving capital cities and teemed with life day and night ; others in desolate fastnesses , where as Dickens remarked of the remote New England depots , ‘ the wild impossibility of anybody having the smallest reason to get out is only equalled by the apparently desperate hopelessness of there being anybody to get in ’ .
25 ‘ So you do n't think there 's any chance of anybody having put a fake certificate into the files ? — years after the event ? ’
26 As you hint at in your letter , the musical ‘ anoraks ’ are often of the ‘ would n't know it if they heard it ’ variety anyway , and hate the thought of anyone having an intuition , or a touch or a sense of hearing which they themselves could never muster .
27 In the room where the guards must have remained , there were no clues , no cigarette butts , no sign of anyone having ever been there .
28 He acknowledged asking Watanabe to help silence Nihon Kominto , but suggested that he had " no recollection of anything having to do with that problem " .
29 Where the problem arose was when there was no record of anything having been sent or what had been sent or anything .
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