Example sentences of "of [Wh det] they " in BNC.

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1 The debate is now largely ‘ old hat ’ in the sociology of education and there is a general consensus that schools do indeed impart values , but these are usually modified or developed versions of already existing dominant values of the society of which they form a part , including a number of parental values .
2 It would seem that the prevalence of such ions and their rather special relationship to the 50Hz and 60Hz frequencies , both of which they encompass by their combined effect , and as illustrated in Table I , has to give the underlying basis for field induced activity in body fluids .
3 As anyone who has worked in an English department will know , many of those listening to the lecture will not have done the necessary reading , and are so reduced to hearing about and taking notes on something of which they have not had direct literary experience ( even passing on their notes to friends who were absent from the lecture ) .
4 Poems can be self-sufficient , leaning on no reality outside themselves other than the history and usage of the words out of which they are made .
5 Hence it should be no surprise that ordinary policemen and women come to feel that the police management and the government do not care that the risks associated with routine policing in a divided society are borne primarily by them : that the ordinary policeman and woman can be sacrificed for the sake of wider goals , the purpose of which they often have difficulty in comprehending .
6 After all , people have always wanted to do violence to those who stood in their way when they were attempting to commit robberies ; but they have been bound by certain conventions of which they were unaware .
7 At the same time they remained , as we all remain , implicated in other kinds of discrimination of which they and we , originally and subsequently , are the agents rather than the victims , or maybe both agents and victims .
8 They were fighting for seats in a body — the Strasbourg parliament — which is the assembly of the European Community , of which they strongly disapprove. 1992 and the European Single Market would be ‘ disastrous , catastrophic ’ , an ‘ ideological bluff ’ devised by deceitful politicians , declared a German MEP at the Paris conference .
9 The Services themselves are living organisms that , like the human beings of which they are composed , develop slowly , each generation handing on its accumulated wisdom and experience to the next .
10 It is plain from Locke 's examples that they ( or , strictly , the things of which they are ideas ) are naturally occurring kinds of material thing or stuff .
11 Thus the dialogue and its frame emphasize the bond between the two of them , and thereby further underline the horror of the sacrifice of which they speak .
12 Suddenly , the division bells ring and the room empties , milords making their way to vote in a debate of which they may have heard not a word .
13 Some of them urged that the imperfections of the creation cohere with those of the Hebrew scriptures , of which they held a low opinion .
14 This is what made them anxious about the attitudes of powerful men in their societies — rulers , great magnates — towards the churches of which they considered themselves the lords .
15 Biologists try to interpret the structures they see as performing some function , subject to the constraints set by the materials of which they are made , and the conditions under which they must operate .
16 Peasants came to her to be reminded of a particular tale the details of which they had mislaid in the mists of childhood ; more sophisticated members of the community , less concerned with the tale than the teller , made the journey to Elling in an effort to keep alive a tradition that had died elsewhere .
17 Elisabeth recalled the picnic in the bay ; they had grilled plaice on top of a fire in the ashes of which they had baked potatoes .
18 But the club 's liabilities on Dec 31 were £1,162,306 , of which they owed the Inland Revenue £126,368 .
19 In today 's Nature , Professor Stephen Mann and Dr Jon Didymus from Bath University , working with Dr Young and colleagues at the Natural History Museum , have found that in spite of their varied appearance , the chalk crystals of which they are built are organised in the same way at the atomic level .
20 The report was bitterly criticised by the British Society for Allergy and Environmental Medicine which accused the authors of ‘ many inaccuracies ’ in describing treatments of which they had no first-hand experience .
21 After another round of serious negotiations the ARC finally agreed to release the report , the hard statistical evidence , but not the case studies , the interpretation of which they did not consider to be ‘ objective . ’
22 The enthusiasm of the sixties ( it was not just naivety ) would have held that education should lead the whole process , while the cynicism of the seventies and eighties would have us believe that education , that is schools at any rate , can do no more than mirror the society of which they are part .
23 Most of the living cephalopods also have an ink sac which injects a smoky fluid into the water when the animal is threatened , under cover of which they can make their own jet-propelled escape .
24 Indeed , many of the complex molecules of which they are composed would be liable to fall apart .
25 In practice , the chromosomes are visible only during cell division , when the DNA of which they are mainly composed , contracts .
26 A general reading of the book encourages the suspicion that the principle of verification is being used , not simply to exclude some clear and obvious errors , but to cut out swathes of philosophical tradition that have never been guilty of the crude misconceptions of which they are accused by Ayer .
27 Only when the public comes to a fuller understanding of the place of the mentally handicapped in our society , and appreciates what mentally handicapped people are really like and what they can achieve , will real progress be made in their integration back into the society of which they are a part .
28 This will become increasingly important as efforts continue to integrate mentally handicapped people into the society of which they are a part , to reverse the policy of segregation begun in the last century .
29 In addition , mentally handicapped people have a right to expect people to understand them and accept them within the society of which they are a part ; a right to be born and a right to live .
30 It is impossible to regard the vast buildings and their dependencies which constitute a chief terminal station of a great line of railway without feelings of inexpressible astonishment at the magnitude of the capital and the boldness of the enterprise which are manifested in the operations of which they are the stage .
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