Example sentences of "of [Wh det] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Little crime ’ calls , what the Metropolitan Police call ‘ beat crime ’ ( Policy Studies Institute 1983b : 35 ) , include a host of infringements and public nuisances , many of which do not come within what the section police define as ‘ real , police work , although some none the less have an intrinsic appeal to ordinary policemen and women .
2 Such activity is necessitated by the provision of only 420 km of game-viewing in a reserve of 1673 km 2 and the fact that there are relatively low populations of the carnivores , individuals of which do not always locate themselves in convenient spots !
3 In a letter of 1794 he wrote : ‘ Yet the highest and most craggy parts , two acres of which do not afford sustenance for six months to one sheep , might with a great prospect of success , be planted with larches . ’
4 The problems multiply for the newer financial and hedging instruments , many of which do not easily fit into existing statute and case law .
5 Because of the rabbits and rodents , some of which do of course appear during the day , there are also large numbers of birds of prey .
6 The list developed for the study reported here ( Woll , 1983 ) contains in its full form 257 items , many of which do appear in the other lists .
7 It requires small businesses , many of which do not provide insurance , to join one of 11 huge regional bargaining pools around the state .
8 The latter and his staff will use an amalgam of stratagems and techniques , many of which do not fall within a satisfactory definition of bargaining .
9 In his study of the problems of implementing the Local Government Act 1972 in England and Wales , Richards describes the various means that ‘ exist to facilitate county/district co-operation , some of which depend on the 1972 Act and some of which do not ’ ( Richards 1975b:76 ) .
10 The toxin may or may not be present in strains of er C diphtheria and this is just an immunological test so I wo wo n't explain it in detail but what you can see is a a strip of er , filter paper which has been bathed in anti-toxin and growth of various different strains of the organism erm which , some of which do produce the toxin you can see lines of precipitation here and some of which do n't produce the toxin .
11 The toxin may or may not be present in strains of er C diphtheria and this is just an immunological test so I wo wo n't explain it in detail but what you can see is a a strip of er , filter paper which has been bathed in anti-toxin and growth of various different strains of the organism erm which , some of which do produce the toxin you can see lines of precipitation here and some of which do n't produce the toxin .
12 All these tests , many of which do not constitute tests of the original hypothesis , could result in the falsification of the modified hypothesis .
13 Plainly , indexing on the text of a document involves indexing every word , some of which do not convey any subject concepts .
14 There are others , many of which do not call for creativity .
15 Since the Second World War , the United Nations Statistical Office has done much to stimulate a global view of economic and social problems particularly in relation to human fertility but the responsibility for gathering the required information is left with individual countries , the majority of which do not have resources of trained manpower to accomplish the task themselves .
16 ‘ In future , Bruv , keep your nose out of what do n't concern you . ’
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