Example sentences of "of [noun pl] be " in BNC.

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31 It is reported that Akbar , who was an emperor in India from 1542 to 1602 , ordered that a group of children be brought up without any instruction in language , to test the belief that they would eventually speak Hebrew , the language of God .
32 The ACDA text reported that the main areas of continuing disagreement between the negotiating teams consisted of ( i ) definitions of and counting rules covering air-launched cruise missiles ( ALCMs ) : the USA wished only to include nuclear-armed missiles with a range in excess of 1,500 km with the assumption that a specified average number of missiles be attributed to each bomber , while the Soviet Union included " dual-capable " ( conventional/nuclear ) missiles with a range in excess of 600 km with the assumption that the maximum number of missiles be attributed to each type of bomber ; ( ii ) whether submarine-launched cruise missiles ( SLCMs ) should be limited under START ( or under a separate agreement , as had been suggested by the USA ) and if so whether on-site SLCM verification procedures should be deployed ( as the Soviet Union was suggesting ) or " non-binding declarations ' of numbers be issued ( as proposed by the USA ) ; and ( iii ) a " ban on the production , flight testing or modernization " of existing types of heavy ICBMs ( suggested by the USA ) , although a ban on new missile development was agreed , as were warhead and missile sub-limits in this category .
33 Cos any other person who has just not applied and have a couple of points be able to take you to court .
34 Dr Susan Blackmore , of the Brain and Perception Laboratory of the University of Bristol , suggests that a group of babies be trained to use a ‘ baby-operated tape player ’ invented by Tom Troscianko and herself , which will shortly be released on to the market .
35 Would a series of transparencies be better than overcrowding one frame ?
36 On 26 May 1989 , the then Deputy Prime Minister , Mr Geoffrey Palmer , announced that not only would the use of drift-nets be banned inside the New Zealand EEZ , but also their possession .
37 Why should preferences that are obviously not equal in the minds of voters be treated as if they were ?
38 By no stretch of the imagination could the majority of internees be described as ‘ dangerous ’ .
39 Let the number of records be defined as n and the total address locations as N. This corresponds with the symbols used in equation ( 6.1 ) .
40 If we demand that the faiths of others be tested , how can we refuse to test our own ?
41 But what would the attitude of others be ?
42 Others have been suggested : to prevent the conduct of government business being unduly hampered and delayed by ‘ excessive ’ litigation ; to reduce the risk that civil servants will behave in over-cautious and unhelpful ways in dealing with citizens for fear of being sued if things go wrong ; to ration scarce judicial resources ; to ensure that the argument on the merits is presented in the best possible way , by a person with a real interest in presenting it ( but quality of presentation and personal interest do not always go together ) ; to ensure that people do not meddle paternalistically in the affairs of others ( query : can representative applicants be accused of this ? ) ; to ensure that the applicant has a personal interest not just an ideological concern in the outcome ( but , query , may not a genuine concern for the interests of others be neither purely personal nor purely ideological ? ) .
43 For instance , it is desirable that a scannable number of documents be listed under each heading in a catalogue .
44 The Discussion Paper proposed that the maturity of liabilities be assessed by reference to the earliest date on which the lender could demand repayment and that no regard should be paid in this respect to facilities which might permit the debt to be refinanced ( Discussion Paper , paragraphs 3.40-3.42 ) .
45 It is this which has led some commentators to believe that the Eurocurrency market could create inflation within the US economy should large sums of Eurodollars be spent in the US by transformation , as it were , into domestic dollars .
46 Should the network of stones be damaged the fine balance of energies could collapse in upon itself and consume Ulthuan in a holocaust of raw power , turning it into another Realm of Chaos which the Dark Elves would return to claim for their Chaos Gods at last .
47 However , although it will not be accepted , it will not in the ordinary course of events be anticipated .
48 And in what large-scale chronological table may distinct series of events be determined ?
49 Earlier , about 50,000 protesters were reported to have been chanting anti-government slogans in Timisoara and demanding that the bodies of victims be returned to their families .
50 These are essentially meant to be measures of productivity and of service quality , and the idea is both that targets be set , and that analysis of outcomes be presented .
51 And how can the rights of churches be divorced from those of the lands they occupy ?
52 The cardiotocography machine must certainly not be used as a poor substitute for midwifery care , nor should a shortage of midwives be used as an argument for a policy of continuous cardiotocography .
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