Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Three poppadams , ’ he said , ‘ and a little piece of mango chutney ! ’
2 He helped himself to a glass of mango juice before he replied .
3 Lunch was an avocado and prawn sandwich and a carton of mango juice , which I admit were a bit out of character but otherwise I looked for all the world like a real musher .
4 More like the diabolical Guy , Virginia thought sourly , going distractedly into the kitchen and pouring herself a glass of mango juice .
5 Three carriers bottle of whisky bottle of wine .
6 And three carrier bags bottle of whisky bottle of wine .
7 A contributory factor to the muddled thinking on excise duty on whisky has been the discrimination in favour of imported wine , where increased consumption has been shown to cut away at the base of whisky consumption .
8 He had left as soon as he could , leaving Joe to consume half a bottle of whisky whole he raced through the backstreets , slowing to a walk only when he spotted someone approaching .
9 Part of the process of whisky production includes converting the starch in the grain to sugar so that fermentation and ultimately distillation can take place .
10 The eight hours ' duty was the property of Watch Committee and Chief Constable .
11 The afternoon stretches on and on , defying the logic of watch time .
12 Every one per cent change of moisture content may cause about a half per cent shrinkage or swelling .
13 Work is beginning on a geotechnical database , extending the current holding of shear-strength measurements to include values of moisture content , liquid limit and a variety of further data .
14 They comment that the NIR , though a good indicator of moisture stress , is a relatively poor indicator of blight in this crop compared with other wavelengths .
15 Utility room with washing machine , tumble dryer and sink produce large quantities of moisture vapour
16 My design of moisture meter , writes A. Hezzlewood of Endon , has been made , tried and tested and works very well .
17 Plant nutrients are derived in the most part from the decomposition of plant and animal remains , during which process they reach a peat-like structure that has remarkable powers of moisture absorption and retention , and at the same time has considerable influence on the physical texture and structure of the soil .
18 Capillary suction , together with the force of gravity , therefore influence both the movement and distribution of water in soil and rock , and the interaction of these two factors gives rise to four zones of moisture storage ( Fig. 6.1 ) .
19 The reason is not hard to understand : hot dry weather puts great strain on the continuity of moisture supply at root level , and as a result the plants slow , the foliage flags , and in the wet dew the fungus runs like mad .
20 Transient ischaemia , often with plaque rupture and formation of platelet fibrin thrombi , distal embolisation , and possibly local vasoconstriction may serve as a primary cause of cardiac arrest or may modulate a fixed arrhythmogenic substrate .
21 Further attempts to estimate platelet function in vivo have involved isotopic labelling of platelets and measurement of platelet survival and assessments of platelet aggregation in whole blood .
22 There was no evidence of platelet contamination in the lamina propria mononuclear cell or epithelial cell preparations .
23 Not all α-granules may respond in the same way to secretory stimuli ; for example , Zucker et al ( 1979 ) , who found that over 80 per cent of platelet factor VIII-related antigen was present in the α-granules could only demonstrate the release of 30 per cent of this in response to stimulation with collagen .
24 Defreyn et al ( 1981 ) have demonstrated a deficiency of thromboxane formation and platelet aggregation in platelets from a patient with a familial bleeding tendency , thus emphasizing the importance of thromboxane production in the physiology of platelet function .
25 For instance , there is no absolutely satisfactory test of platelet function .
26 However , there is no doubt that the development of the turbidometric method for the study of platelet aggregation in vitro ( Born , 1962 ) gave tremendous impetus to the study of platelet function .
27 In addition to problems intrinsic to the methodology of platelet function , problems also arise from the diabetic groups studied .
28 Many of the early studies of platelet function in diabetic subjects failed to take into account other factors known to influence platelet function , particularly the presence or absence of diabetic vascular complications .
29 Early studies of platelet function in diabetes used in vitro tests of platelet adhesion .
30 These cells may be important modulators of platelet function in vivo through their ability to take up adenine nucleotides and synthesize and release regulatory prostaglandins ( Roos & Pfleger , 1972 ; Blackwell et al , 1978 ) .
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