Example sentences of "of [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you take sugar as having 100 per cent the right taste , then I would say sucralose is in the range of 70 to 75 per cent , with aspartame a little behind it , ’ Shaw says .
2 A site of 70 to 80 acres was found in 1967 by a field group and confirmed by excavation and air survey on the eastern fringe of Oundle , Northants .
3 They are usually made in grades of 70 to 80-line , with a ⅜″ ( 1 cm ) pile , and can be extremely attractive and authentic in appearance .
4 ICAM-1 , the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 represents a cell surface bound glycoprotein of 70 to 110 kilodaltons ( kDa ) .
5 If you think that this assignment is , is sort of preferable to the ones that you 've been looking , you could all choose this one , you 'll have to do some recording like the others on your own machines , but you could
6 The VPP500 system features a series of 1.6 GigaFLOPS vector processors , in parallel configurations of from seven to 222 , offering performances of 11.2 to 355 GFLOPS — the nodes can be added one at a time .
7 β is varied between -1.0 and +0.5 which implies a range of -3 to +2Wm -2 for Q s ( -1.3 to +0.8% irradiance change ) .
8 In one daring Beechingesque stroke , VIA Rail , the national passenger service , will cut its 405 trains a week to 191 , and its workforce of 7,000 to 4,000 .
9 Sketches from local artist Muriel Sibley and photographs from local newspapers including the Liverpool Echo , illustrate the growth of Formby from a sleepy village of 7,000 to a suburban town , now home to almost 30,000 people .
10 The straightforward analysis of previous ‘ dustings ’ , cleanings and restorations , from the fire damage of 1771 to the removal of the famous fig-leaves is particularly welcome .
11 While the newcomers consider the absence of street-lighting to be dangerous , particularly in the winter , the locals , who claim they have always been able to manage without it , regard it as an ugly and unnecessary intrusion .
12 Last March a small flock of advanced to expert skiers were herded down the most terrifying terrain in Chamonix by Nigel Shepherd .
13 We need a bit of posh to tart the place up a bit . ’
14 I am speaking about a special form of small-holding — the croft , as defined by the UK parliament in legislation , from the first Crofters Act of 1886 to the Act of 1976 which gave the crofter the right to purchase his holding on very favourable terms .
15 Contrast this with the position in jurisdictions where there are three or more degrees of homicide : pleas of guilty to first- and second-degree murders would be less frequent , since there would be the possibility of argument in court ( if no bargain was struck beforehand between prosecution and defence ) , and the defence might succeed in persuading the jury to reduce the degree of the killing .
16 In most cases it is not the jury who takes this decision but the prosecution , who , with the judge 's agreement , accepts the defendant 's plea of guilty to manslaughter under section 2 .
17 The practical problems are that there may be no evidence of violence on the woman 's body , which usually means that the case will be a question of the victim 's word against the defendant 's ; this may lead the police to be sceptical of the woman 's complaint , or may incline the prosecutor to accept a plea of guilty to the lesser charge of indecent assault .
18 The fact is that this is a prominent feature of the existing law , in which there are only two major offences ( rape and indecent assault ) and in which some 42 per cent of those charged with rape have a plea of guilty to indecent assault accepted by the court .
19 This time the prosecution accepted Kiranjit 's plea of guilty to manslaughter because of diminished responsibility .
20 The woman pleaded not guilty to his murder , but the Crown rejected her plea of guilty to manslaughter , so there was a contested trial lasting several days , which was fully reported in the popular dailies .
21 After the prosecution case is completed , once the judge has ruled that there is a case to answer or where he has not been invited to do so but the case is proceeding , then in our view the prosecution can not be discontinued nor pleas of guilty to lesser charges be accepted without the consent of the judge .
22 Crime — Double jeopardy — Autrefois convict — Indictment charging murder — Acceptance of plea of guilty to manslaughter — Sentencing adjourned — Proceedings discontinued by nolle prosequi — Defendant charged with murder on second indictment — Whether plea of autrefois convict sustainable
23 His plea of guilty to manslaughter was accepted by the prosecution with the approval of the judge , who granted defence counsel 's application for an adjournment to call character witnesses in mitigation .
24 It may be inferred from what the judge said on a later occasion that counsel indicated that the Crown was prepared to accept a plea of guilty to manslaughter and the judge did not dissent from that course .
25 in whom the power to discontinue any criminal proceedings at any stage before judgment is delivered is vested by section 94(3) ( c ) of the Constitution of Jamaica , considered that the plea of guilty to manslaughter should not have been accepted and decided to discontinue the proceedings in this case in order that the defendant might be charged with the murder on a fresh indictment .
26 Not only may the defendant be permitted , in the discretion of the court , to change that plea at any time before sentence , but , when a plea of guilty to a lesser offence than that charged has initially been accepted by the prosecutor with the approval of the court , there can , it appears to their Lordships , be no finality in that ‘ acceptance ’ until sentence is passed .
27 In Reg. v. Emmanuel ( 1981 ) 74 Cr.App.R. 135 where the defendant was charged in the indictment with alternative counts , the judge approved a proposal by the prosecutor to offer no evidence on the more serious charge and to accept a plea of guilty to the less serious .
28 A plea of guilty to stealing the lorry and trailer was refused by the Advocate Depute , Roderick Macdonald .
29 Adhesion of HT-29 to laminin is mediated by the α 6 Β 1 integrin complex , as the monoclonal antibody 4B4 directed against the integrin Β 1 chain and the monoclonal antibody GOH3 against the α 6 chain abolished cell adhesion to laminin ( Fig 6 ) .
30 It all seemed kind of strange to Diane .
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