Example sentences of "of [noun] these " in BNC.

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1 In the case of negatives , these factors are different from those associated with use of affirmatives , and in the case of passives these factors are different from those associated with the use of actives .
2 With the vast number of products these guides attract , we are not able to give each item a hard edged review .
3 Since the beginnings of industrialisation these values have been provided by Christianity .
4 The BBC still has its live coverage of the international matches and the NatWest Trophy , and it will also be screening highlights of the other matches but of necessity these will appear at the usual anti-social hours .
5 The BBC still has its live coverage of the international matches and the NatWest Trophy , and it will also be screening highlights of the other matches but of necessity these will appear at the usual anti-social hours .
6 Out of necessity these are brief as a detailed explanation would fill a book by itself .
7 For a sample containing only one type of atom these signals would correspond to the expected s , p , d … sub-shells of the core shells .
8 That boy is showing a real sense of responsibility these days . ’
9 If they think peace is impossible , they will hang on to the extra layer of defence these territories provide .
10 Birdie Mac in the sweet shop told people that it took a great amount of faith these days to realise that God was fair-minded .
11 Six hours of daylight is claimed to give 12 hours of night time light , but of course these cast a soft diffused light rather than a beam you can direct creatively like a spotlight , and they have limitations during the dull days of a typical British winter .
12 The Rev. Richard Westrope left Belgrave Chapel in Leeds when there were complaints about the ‘ social gospel ’ topics he had chosen for his Sunday evening social addresses : of course these problems were not unique to Nonconformist ministers .
13 Belemnites vary from small fossils a centimetre or two long to large specimens tens of centimetres long : of course these are only a fraction of the size of the living animal , with their tentacles extending well beyond the guard .
14 Of course these nations induced appropriate agricultural innovations .
15 These causes of failure are attributed to ‘ problems at the top ’ , although of course these must be linked to problems further down , particularly of lack of participation of local people , inappropriate conservation measures , local enforcement and so on .
16 But of course these boys , these disgusting creatures , these street urchins unworthy of being called Neapolitan , they were not from this area at all , no , not at all .
17 Of course these trends may not continue , or new trends may emerge ( for instance higher female unemployment , greater participation of men in caring ) but the long-term trend appears to be towards a smaller pool of potential informal carers than existed 50 or even 20 years ago .
18 Of course these categories do overlap .
19 That does n't just mean using a cash register , giving the correct change and adding up prices , although of course these are important .
20 Of course these headings cover more than one question and it may not always be clear to you how the interviewer is constructing the interview .
21 Of course these ideas will not be explored on each occasion and it is for the teacher to decide when it is right to pursue the child 's interest .
22 But of course these tendencies can be traced back to earlier stages in his development ; and the Ode to Duty — ‘ Me this unchartered freedom tires ’ — was written the year before .
23 Of course these are generalisations and actual placement always depends on the individual .
24 Of course these can be adapted to suit the individual .
25 Of course these too can be criticized on the grounds that they lack precision , and carry with them built-in biases , impeding both our understanding of our own field experience as well as obstructing cross-cultural understanding .
26 Of course these films were not innocent but the ‘ messages ’ were only a reworking of nineteenth-century exemplars and would not have surprised anyone .
27 Of course these superior critics disliked the way his films displayed ‘ the grossest sentimentality ’ , but this was the price that had to be paid for his mass popularity and after all , as William Hunter reminded his readers , Dickens had been far more sentimental for very much the same reasons .
28 This simple account of cattle-raiding followed by an expedition to punish the thieves explains the situation on frontiers all over the world , and of course these punitive expeditions ( which sometimes took the form of pre-emptive strikes by people who wanted to get their retaliation in first ) were carried out without consulting any central government .
29 And of course these things are extraordinarily flexible .
30 But of course these rights were contained within an ideological framework which stressed domesticity and in many ways , as we know , worked to restress the importance of female chastity .
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