Example sentences of "the men had " in BNC.

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1 Beside the Cross one of the men had torn a paper into little bits and scattered them , to a groaning catcall from the crowd .
2 In them , she again described the work she did and the success she had achieved ; she gave details of her height , weight and false hair colour ; she even made a comment or two - as some of the men had in their letters — on her sexual preferences .
3 But he denied newspaper reports that the men had been involved in last December 's bombing of a Pan Am jet which exploded above the Scottish village of Lockerbie with the loss of 270 lives .
4 The prosecution alleged that the men had been responsible of 222 acts of terrorism which it then reduced to 193 .
5 The men had sent their families to the relative security of a schoolhouse a mile down the road .
6 One of the men had his fly open and his dick out .
7 The six men were convicted of the Birmingham pub bombs in 1975 , partly on the evidence of Home Office forensic scientist Frank Skuse , who told the trial that the men had handled nitroglycerine .
8 In 1985 , a television programme revealed that the solvent Skuse had used in the test for nitroglycerine , 1 per cent caustic soda , would also have produced a positive result if the men had handled nitrocellulose .
9 The men had won their prestige from work , from scholarship , in the public arena ; and they sat outside on the pavement benches , publicly debating politics , theology , and history .
10 On the range , the men had to familiarize themselves with every form of weapon including German and Italian ones .
11 Otherwise the men had passed the time reading and keeping an eye out for aircraft .
12 Each of the men had his own lunchtime routine .
13 Mick had accelerated and the men had jumped clear .
14 The men had taken off their stiff collars , but were still uncomfortable in waistcoats and tight trousers and big boots .
15 When she was satisfied that the men had gone back to their car , Mary hurried towards Smiling Meadow .
16 On 11 August , the Field Ambulance marched out complete from Stony Stratford to entrain at Wolverton for Reading , with the satisfaction of knowing that 98% of the men had volunteered for service abroad .
17 If it burned in a blue equilateral triangle , there was 2½ per cent methane in the air and ‘ the men had to be gotten out ’ .
18 The traumatic experiences the men had already been through — the drama of the inrush of slurry , the knowledge that they were entombed , the foul air they had lived in for two days , and the threat of the gathering gas — meant that the half-mile walk wearing apparatus , and a further one and a half miles to the surface , would be a severe test of their remaining stamina and resolve .
19 Another factor in the slowing of the rescue work was the condition of the air in which the men had to work .
20 When the men had gone back to the Inn Allen dropped out of the tree and ran down the slope to her .
21 Some of the men had been collecting driftwood and dry sticks and branches from among the trees ; a small fire was coming to life , crackling and spluttering sparks into the haze of heat above it .
22 We talked for a while about the hunt — she wanted to know how much meat we 'd eaten , what the men had talked about — and then she said she had to go and graze the cows .
23 The men had been in unknown country , chasing the boar uphill , when the rule is to chase downhill only .
24 Some of the men had brought ropes and small axes with them so that , while they were in the forest , they could carry back a load of firewood rather than returning empty-handed if they did n't get the boar .
25 In her family , the men had never walked out on their colonial responsibilities .
26 It was opened in 1951 , by which time the men had moved 400 tons of rubble , 154 tons of gravel and laid 44,000 bricks .
27 The men had disappeared from the top of the scaffolding when she emerged into the street again .
28 The gay love scenes were sensitively filmed , although the men had to wear boxer shorts for the US version as Americans are said to be touchy about testicles .
29 The men had been denied the agreed consultation period .
30 The men had Irish accents and were wearing combat jackets , she said .
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