Example sentences of "the house that " in BNC.

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1 Now Mr Baker is a man of substance , who , as a backbencher in the year Mrs Thatcher came to power , said in the House that a backbencher trod a fine line between sycophancy and rebellion .
2 She would spoil her cats , read library books and tend her garden and the riotous rockery of flowers along the south wall of the house that he encouraged the cattle to eat .
3 ‘ Have n't you a woman in the house that 's not your wife ! ’ ’
4 I can assure the House that finance will not stand in the way of implementation of the report . ’
5 But he promised : ‘ I can assure the House that finance will not stand in the way of the implementation of the report . ’
6 Britain will play a full and constructive part in the debate while reflecting the view expressed in all parts of the House that stages two and three of the Delors proposals are not acceptable . ’
7 He would n't tell them that the friend did n't exist , that she was dead , and that there was only the house that Mrs Wright visited and put flowers in .
8 She is back in the house that she is always remembering and talking endlessly about , she has her precious Miss Cress .
9 He reminded the House that the police had been given forty-eight hours notification of the proposed route : ‘ Honourable members on this side of the House who in this respect are charging him [ Paisley ] with gross civic and social irresponsibility must also charge the police with exactly the same thing . ’
10 Boal reminded the House that the parade did not pass through any Catholic areas :
11 Some people leave effects of the dead person around — the hat that still hangs in the hall , the bedroom that is not touched , the area of the house that becomes a kind of ‘ shrine ’ to the memory of the person who is dead .
12 The house that always used to be warm and welcoming when they got home is now dark and cold .
13 I decided that we should come here first — to the house that was my parents ’ summer retreat , near that of my aunt , uncle and cousin .
14 The price was about the only thing about the house that was right , but we 'd both fallen in love with it right away .
15 The minister duly does so and reports to the House that the Belgian is a Polish immigrant .
16 And it had only been the rear of the house that had been knocked down .
17 This is the part of the house that visitors stand closest to and from which they will form their first impression .
18 On the following day , Lewis returned to the position of before the competition , when he said in the House that the land authorized under the 1855 Act ‘ would be sufficient for the site of the two offices which it was now contemplated to erect ’ .
19 Tite , obviously speaking as an architect , warned the House that if working drawings were prepared and tenders obtained from builders , Manners would find himself committed .
20 He assured the House that the ventilation system ,
21 Introducing his Bill , Fisher voiced the opinion of liberal educationalists when he told the House that the schools would ‘ continue the general education ’ of the elementary level , and would give ‘ in addition vocational bias , the force of which will be graduated according to the age and occupation of the pupil ’ .
22 Mr John Patten , a junior minister in the Home Office , assured the House that he would gladly amend the law if necessary , and added his own warning that schools and parents should continue to alert their children against the dangers and perversions of cults .
23 Adley reminded the House that each year 105 000 people were killed and injured on the roads .
24 Tradition says that with other Covenanters he was hanged from the upstairs window of the house that still stands at the north-west corner of Mauchline Cross .
25 In fact , a submissive cat in the house that has ‘ had enough ’ and is about to defend itself will often dilate its pupils rapidly just before it lashes out at you .
26 From my point of view , though , it was n't the house that was the problem but the people .
27 To begin with we used what paper , pens and pencils we could put together from our hand luggage and from among the belongings left in the house that we had been bundled into .
28 Do you have a flat roof at the rear of the house that could provide easy access to upstairs windows ?
29 Replace all metal drainpipes with plastic ones ( which are far too flimsy for anyone to scale ) , remove any trees near the house that would assist ascent to the first floor and absolutely never leave ladders outside the house , front or back , always lock them away .
30 Joe 's behaviour can also be s\described as mildly odd : his fear of returning to prison shows in his encouragement of the local children to play policeman games , telling them he will put bad boys into his private jail , and a sense of contrition over the faulty aircraft parts means he can not bear having anything the house that ought to be thrown away .
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