Example sentences of "the house of " in BNC.

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1 A proposal for constitutional reform to allow a national plebiscite on the reintroduction of the death penalty in Brazil , for kidnappings , burglaries and rapes resulting in the victim 's death , was approved by a Congressional Commission of the House of Deputies in December 1990 .
2 I remember when I first met you at the house of terror ; what you gave me , all that you gave me .
3 The dualistic ambience in literature has long been influential , but has remained controversial , and it is both influential and controversial in these annals of the House of Roth .
4 Herling is thought to resemble Dostoevsky , whose Prototypical prison book , The House of the Dead , has in it a mansion tenanted by obnoxious , caricatured Jews .
5 When placed alongside the house of laity in the synod of the Church of Ireland , the power of the laity in church decision-making , including statements on political ethics and positions on public local issues , is quite considerable .
6 getting into the house of flat … you may have steps that need ramping , or doors that need widening ,
7 Questions were raised in the House of Commons about a group of local hippies arrested early in 1967 , and local MPs vied with each other to be in the vanguard of efforts to control the ‘ army of secret drug takers in the area … ( who need to be ) brought back from the brink of madness ’ ( Newcastle Evening Chronicle : 27 February 1967 ) .
8 on the far bank Cameron had outstripped them , his army moving steadily down the strath , winning signatures at the house of Cluny , at Clochfoldich and Pitnacree , by the solid slow avalanche of their numbers , massing quietly round each house , hammering three times on each door .
9 Oh aye , it was a bad day for the house of Bolfracks — no doubt about it — very bad — oh aye .
10 The House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts has published its report on NHS outpatient services .
11 The House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities ' report , Energy and the environment , says that without ‘ enormous political will and commitment ’ the Government 's promise to stabilise carbon dioxide emissions at 1990 levels ‘ will never be met ’ .
12 The future of Mar Lodge , which includes three of Britain 's five highest mountains , was also raised in an adjournment debate in the House of Commons by Labour MP Tam Dalyell .
13 Dr Williams ' Breeding of Dogs Bill , allowing authorities access to unlicensed breeding premises , was approved by the House of Commons on June 21 .
14 Crime and Punishment takes its place in a perfectly obvious and open fashion among the international classics of naturalism ( or realism ) , and it is the first of his novels to do so : the earlier and great book The House of the Dead walks so close beside personal history as to rule itself out in this connection ; formally it is a freak , so I argued , a quasi-novel ; and as regards fact and fiction , since he is recounting not ‘ prophesying events ’ , Dostoevsky can not have found much in the Dead House to get excited about .
15 You could n't find your way round this city any more ( and here is a strange thought ) than you have got the practical hang of the little fortress prison at Omsk by the end of The House of the Dead .
16 As to state of mind , Raskolnikov lives with his own continuously but inspects it only intermittently , like the rest of us ; whereas the author surveys the whole truth the whole time , so that we never find him wondering whether perhaps Raskolnikov is thinking this or perhaps he is thinking that : a fact which isolates Crime and Punishment among the mature novels , because elsewhere Dostoevsky loves the unsettled and unsettling narrative posture of ‘ perhaps ’ , particularly with his contracting and dilating collective voice , the ‘ we ’ swept by rumour and speculation which arrives in The House of the Dead and reaches its full flowering in The Possessed .
17 Both areas , breaking and mending , engrossed Dostoevsky from the time when the shared convict existence of prison snapped him like a dry biscuit yet also made him new , so that in the closing words of The House of the Dead , with the knocking off of his fetters , the narrator greets ‘ a new life , voskresenie from the dead ’ .
18 My Proposition , embracing The House of the Dead , Notes from Underground , Crime and Punishment , The Possessed , Karamazov , and , negatively , by way of relative failure , The Idiot , is that Dostoevsky could only promote his dearest values by creeping up on their blind side : in other words that he had an urge towards crisis and clarity which he could only satisfy by yielding it to the enemy — to the horror of the flogging routine in the ‘ Thy kingdom come ’ episode in the Dead House at one chronological extreme , and to Ivan Karamazov 's showdown with the Religion Swindle at the other .
19 To take one 's finger off the bounding narrative pulse of Crime and Punishment and to open The Possessed — to open it anywhere — is to find oneself out in the sticks once again : the ‘ our town ’ of the novel and the voice relating its affairs bring back the ‘ we ’ of convict life in The House of the Dead and the more sketchy collective of that remote Siberian community outside the prison walls .
20 By drawing a rectangle round ‘ it 's a chronicle ’ Dostoevsky suggests a framed narrative for The Possessed like the story found by the frame narrator among a deceased ex-convict 's effects in The House of the Dead ; and by declaring ‘ I am a character ’ ( kharakter : a person , not a literary personazh ) he puts himself inside that frame .
21 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
22 Here The Possessed draws close to the I/We/They/Everybody shifts of The House of the Dead , and the tone of the narrative , which ( Dostoevsky said ) is to save everything , demonstrates its airy yet potent , rather Proustian anecdotal scope .
23 In The House of the Dead he makes us feel that the grim actualities of prison life do this job for him .
24 The knocking off of fetters at the end of The House of the Dead .
25 coming from the house of smoothe stone
26 And rose , and wrecked the house of the tyrants ,
27 That tovarisch wrecked the house of the tyrants ,
28 The Democratic leadership in the Senate is anxious to reverse the handsome victory by Mr Bush in the House of Representatives last week , when 64 Democrats voted with the Republicans to sweep through a two-year cut in capital gains taxes .
29 The society claims , however , that recent votes show it has 3-1 support in the House of Lords and more in the Commons .
30 The House of Commons Environment Committee ( which could be presumed to care about being popular ) , the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee ( which has more expertise and rather less concern with popularity ) and the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution ( which has most expertise of all and absolutely no interest in popularity ) have all been robustly and consistently critical of most parts of the waste-disposal chain .
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