Example sentences of "the years [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There is a bleakness which centres on Patrick 's infidelities : but it may also be true that the rudeness and aggression with which Jenny , their sex object , is treated by various chuntering males has grown grimmer with the years than it was reckoned to be , by the author , by me and by many of his readers , at the time .
2 This was the beginning of her determination to learn sign language , which has been more of a boost to the deaf community over the years than any other gesture .
3 You have played far more contemporary music over the years than most people care to remember : a lot of Henze at one time , and more recently music through to Ligeti and Penderecki .
4 Toby continued : ‘ As for this Harley business , we now know that there has been a closer relationship between Martinez and Jefferson over the years than the normal one of agent and manufacturer .
5 In general estimates were based on prices achieved for similar pieces offered at auction over the years although no comparable collection has appeared , undoubtedly adding a premium to the value of the works .
6 THE late Bruce Chatwin once said that when he worked at Sotheby 's he became acutely aware of indestructible objects of art surviving over the years while generations of human flesh decayed around him .
7 Boris Pintar , 44 , told police he found the shells over the years while tilling near Gorizia , Italy .
8 I am going to tell you of two glimpses that have retained their clarity for me over the years while important and famous things have faded .
9 The company that requires us to pay out the smallest subsidy will be given the franchise and allow to use or probably allow to decay a facility that 's been established over the years while it takes its profit and distributes them to its shareholders .
10 More grist has filled the pessimists ' mill in the years since the Joint Declaration , as Peking has grown more assertive and London more timid .
11 But has anything else that has changed in those twenty-five years — or , for that matter , in the years since abolition — been such that it ought to influence the mind of a Member who is unable to convince himself that capital punishment deters ?
12 Total investment in the NFC in the years since privatization has totalled almost £700 million , whereas in state ownership investment never exceeded £25 million a year .
13 In the years since quantum mechanics was first applied to chemistry , many fundamental problems have been ‘ solved ’ — covalent bonds , periodicity , the aromatic nature of benzene , the stereochemistry of carbon , the mechanism of bimolecular reactions , the existence of free radicals , van der Waals ' forces , the magnetic properties of matter , and others .
14 In the years since the present conflict began , resources devoted to the eradication of illiteracy have been grossly insufficient .
15 Over the years since it was set up in 1982 , the Foundation has provided funds for the purchase of teaching equipment , the development of Library services , the restoration of much-loved features of the University gardens , a scholarship for under-privileged students from overseas , the publication of monographs , and improvements to sports facilities .
16 Over the years since union , there have been innumerable instances of Parliament enacting measures which conflict with the terms of union .
17 Not much has been made of this migration , some ethnic tension apart , and even less of the fact that in the years since the second world war it has been essential for western European economic life .
18 ‘ In the years since this situation first arose — due to various court decisions — the standards and rules have become more stringent .
19 The Soviet Union has made great strides since the advent of socialism in 1917 and China has achieved a remarkable increase in prosperity in the years since the communists took over .
20 I never knew her young , but she has never grown older in the years since I began to sit with this hareem .
21 That human bodies undergo biological changes as the years since birth accumulate can not be denied .
22 In the years since this book was first written , there has been considerable movement toward recommending , if not requiring , this kind of nonsexist language in business , education and publishing ( especially academic publishing ) .
23 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
24 In the years since The Brook Kerith was published , there have been numerous other fictionalised accounts of the Gospel story .
25 The answer to this , at least in part , is that , over the years since the Act of 1967 came into force , the relatively elaborate procedure to which I have referred has been created .
26 An attempt will also be made to look at changes in the years since the last war in order to establish long-term trends , if any .
27 His belief in peace at all costs in a policy of concession and containment — had eroded in the years since Han Ch'in 's death .
28 The Government Actuary 's 1983 and 1987 surveys show that , during the years since the 1975 survey , about half of all men in private sector employment had access to occupational pension provision .
29 The years since the 1978 Act have seen a succession of inner city initiatives .
30 But also in the years since the Liberal Democrats ' inception , I 've been chairman of the Metropolitan Stockport Liberal Democrats .
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