Example sentences of "the people at " in BNC.

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1 The people at the coffee shop readily accepted me as one of their own .
2 Anyway , the people at SIS are big enough to take it and I respect them for that . ’
3 The people at the front were shouting at him , the news of his message was running through the crowd like a grass fire .
4 I shall speak to the people at the bridgehead . ’
5 The people at the next table moved their chairs forward imperceptibly .
6 He moaned more loudly and the people at the next table held their drinks in mid-air .
7 When I was told that I 'd have to share a kitchen and bathroom with strangers I could n't help thinking how this would astound the people at home , how they would snort with laughter at the idea that this could really happen in England , mother of civilization .
8 The conference approved the People at Work policy review which proposes : Replacing Tory trade union legislation with positive rights .
9 He did well for the likes of Cammell Laird and other plant closures , and has done well for the people at Rock Ferry . ’
10 Now , it is Kingfisher which has become a favourite — not because the people at the helm have great shopkeeping flair but because their cautious and unflamboyant management style has created a retailing empire of solid reliability .
11 THE people at the Museum of the Moving Image are becoming rather excited about a new exhibit being installed on Monday Dec 11 : a full organza dress , lined with peach silk crepe de chine , and decorated with ivory re-embroidered lace , crystal beading , peach silk chiffon and some hand-dyed rosettes .
12 In Nicodemus , Kansas , the sole remaining town of black settlers on the plains , Mr Frazier says he found true joy watching the people at a dance .
13 One time , the people at the hospital did n't even tell Gloria that Baby had been moved .
14 The idea of the UFO freak suggests boozy , bearded eccentrics or ladies in twin sets in contact with Venus , but the people at the Communion show were a disappointingly ordinary bunch .
15 Would n't it be better not to translate Billy 's invitation to come forward , as the people at the Welsh meeting understood English and it allowed a quiet moment between Billy 's phrases ?
16 True , it is the people at the bottom of the ladder and below it who benefit from Mr Smith 's thin tax cuts but £100 a year helps little — and the saving would be more than eliminated by an upward move in mortgage rates .
17 ‘ You were going to explain why you did n't know some of the people at that meeting . ’
18 We have found out about the business side from the people at the factory .
19 He said , ‘ The people at the Tate house were killed because they were into some bad shit .
20 One of the major reasons for the widespread failure of rural developments is that it usually does not serve the interests of the people at whom it is ostensibly aimed .
21 There is often a large sag in the line-up of boards , because although the people at either end are confident that they are not over the line , the people in the middle can not judge their approach precisely and tend to hold back in caution .
22 Cola di Rienzi ( 1313–54 ) , tribune of the people at Rome , where he established a short-lived republic in 1347 before being forced into exile ; he returned as a senator in 1354 , but was assassinated shortly afterwards .
23 ‘ I went through a period of seeing myself dead , seeing myself in a coffin and the people at my funeral .
24 If the people at Chesky know what is good for them , they will give ‘ Wild Earl ’ his head and record whatever he wants : there is almost no other pianist around playing his kind of repertoire with his kind of zest .
25 The people at the GPO were also remarkably efficient , since letters addressed as vaguely as ‘ The Old Lady in the TV Programme , Somewhere in the Yorkshire Dales ’ were faithfully delivered .
26 ‘ There were times when I just wanted to give up and catch the next train home , ’ said Bill , ‘ but it was the thought of all the people at home praying for us and wishing us well that kept us going . ’
27 It is hoped that this instrument will help him in his new parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Leasowe to enrich further the lives of the people at home with all kinds of music .
28 I am kind to the people at school that others laugh at .
29 Notice the vital few words with the people at the garage , the bank , the booking-office , the doctor 's surgery .
30 He also points out the song 's crucial omission , astonishing in a work of the protest movement : Dylan never says that Zantzinger is white and Hattie Carroll black , and forces the listener to assume that she was because of everything we are told about her : her name , that she had ten children , her position as a maid who ‘ did n't even talk to the people at the table ’ and , more tendentiously , because of what was done to her and the mild punishment meted out to her murderer who ‘ at 24 years/Owns a tobacco farm of 600 acres ’ .
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