Example sentences of "the night when " in BNC.

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1 It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant , though the endless peeing , he wrote , the endless getting up in the middle of the night when the ice clung to the windowpanes and the taps were frozen , that was more unpleasant than pleasant , but it was not that , he wrote , these things - will not change , my bladder will not improve and next winter the ice will still cling to the panes and the taps will still freeze , but I will not notice them .
2 Thus a creature that hunts by daylight would waste its energy if it rushed around in the night when its prey was hiding in a burrow and , anyway , it would be poorly equipped for hunting then .
3 Like my patient the Wolf-Man , I was fortunate or unfortunate enough to be lying awake in the night when the five candles of my destiny glimmered on the tree outside .
4 I have heard it denied that the candles — different candles — glimmer for every child when he or she reaches the age of three or four , but of course that denial is nonsense ; simply , most children are asleep in the depths of the night when the candles shine out .
5 Three months later , in October 1945 , sixteen months from the night when Leslie 's plane took off , came the cold official presumption of death :
6 Last night was really the night I must value — the night when I was aware of all the gifts Amantani has borne me .
7 Nevertheless we were very glad to have someone to talk to in the long reaches of the night when we were struggling to keep our eyes open .
8 She would always remember it , she thought , as the night when the Three Musketeers had grown up .
9 This was the night when Marian and Allen slept little and Hugh 's condition became serious .
10 Philip Stubbes , writing in 1583 , was disgusted by the goings-on in the woods in the middle of the night when the villagers went to cut their maypole , especially with the fact that many of the maidens who went were no longer maidens on their return !
11 Too often , it was remembered only when some chore required to be done as on the night when William Black arrested the men on the covert operation and someone was wanted to allay with a concocted story any suspicions which might be forming in the mind of Seán McNamee .
12 Her marriage had ended the night when she told Neil Fraser she was going back to Ireland to look for her brother .
13 Then Cantona committed his second And if the masses shoe-horned onto the Vicarage Road terraces had the growing feeling it was to be Watford 's night , Cantona 's second howler of the night when Strachan 's cross found the darling of Elland Road unmarked again and just six yards out .
14 Spadefoots are nocturnal , and their eggs must be laid and fertilised during the night when the pond is relatively cool .
15 In the night when the hut was quiet apart from the coughing and the bed creaks and the whimpering of men in despair , he had gone to the stove and heated his shape until it was dried and firm .
16 I well remember the long watches of the night when I and my baby struggled to overcome a physical incapability on my part , and I can not begin to tell you the relief on both sides when I strode out of the house , bought the largest tin of baby food I could find , and gave her the first square meal she had had since birth .
17 There was also the night when I was buzzing round in the office car , making the routine late calls at the district police stations and ambulance headquarters in Cardiff , just before midnight .
18 There was the night when Giles came rushing into our bedroom , concerned about the strange noise .
19 At dinner on the night when her doll had been broken , however , Katherine was too upset to pretend to be invisible .
20 The uproar in the middle of the night when Bernard Murphy rolled home fighting drunk from the seamen 's club had to be heard to be credited .
21 She knew how Beth had gone to the lodging house on the night when her own father disowned her ; how she had run to her lover only to be turned away from there broken-hearted when the girl claimed that Tyler was the father of her own mythical child .
22 I remembered the night when Riccio died .
23 Truthfully , I had n't believed in Heavenly Father since my fourth Christmas Eve night , the night when Auntie trod on my brick-truck as she tried to sneak in with my present — a smart Apollo Candy with stabilisers , hand-painted maroon — Pa being out with the Recovery .
24 It is the night when demons walk and when every evil in the world is abroad .
25 I asked him why the hell he wanted me to stay the night when he was going out later , and he just shrugged his shoulders and said he was in a funny mood and did n't know what he was saying . ’
26 Memories came rushing back of the night when Johnny had described this room ; the night she had told him about the time hiccup .
27 She wished she could say she was sorry now , not in the middle of the night when he was asleep .
28 Narrow staircases , infested with mouse droppings , where those who had no money whatsoever huddled on the steps for shelter , coming like wraiths in the night when they were less likely to be turned away , and drifting off again in the early morning .
29 I had seen the man on the night when Sir Henry and I had chased Selden , so I decided to start my search near that place .
30 ‘ Fraulein , I understand from Bruno that you are prepared to swear to a document that Corporal Blagg brought you some death certificates on the night when Herr Hochhauser — ( thank God he had remembered the name ) ‘ — the Standesbeamte from Bad Schwarzendorn was murdered .
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