Example sentences of "the [indef pn] he " in BNC.

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1 The following Saturday she agreed , at least , to go with him but then all she did was pick holes : ‘ Carpet 's frayed , ’ she said , after inspecting an apparently immaculate place in Muswell Hill ; ‘ Too far from the shops , ’ of a modern luxury development on the prestigious fringes of Hampstead Heath ; and of the one he 'd had real hopes for , a newly-converted maisonette over towards Crouch End — ‘ original features all been taken out .
2 In this , of the great poet-critics of the past the one he most nearly resembles is Dryden , whose criticism virtually always comes before us as the preface to a volume of original imaginative writing — including translations which , in this too like Pound , Dryden considers no less ‘ original ’ than poems he has made up for himself .
3 But in what the Law Society also interpreted yesterday as a clear shift in emphasis from the English proposals , the paper makes it clear that the role of the Lord President would be no different from the one he currently exercises when approving training and professional rules .
4 Not an unimportant role in a place as hot as this , but not quite the one he has in mind .
5 Even Frank Dick , the coach close enough to him to be the one he ultimately asked to be with him for his operation , did not have an inkling until the competition in France that Thompson had not high-jumped in training all year .
6 Eventually this bloke turned up , the one he 'd called Malcolm .
7 But the threat he regards as greatest of all is the one he least expected : the discovery of gold in the mountains at his back door .
8 Patrick explained it should be stiff enough in the first place in order to stay up , achieved with the help of a product like the one he 'd just used .
9 Foreman , winner of three world heavyweight title fights in the early Seventies , is best remembered for his part in the one he lost : ‘ The rumble in the jungle ’ in Kinshasa , Zaire , when Ali knocked him out .
10 Foreman , winner of three world heavyweight title fights in the early Seventies , is best remembered for his part in the one he lost : ‘ The rumble in the jungle ’ in Kinshasa , Zaire , when Ali knocked him out .
11 Karen was the one he 'd stuck with longest , so he told her about his ‘ little florist ’ .
12 He was using his ‘ goon 's ’ voice , the one he put on when he wanted to make himself sound like a harmless imbecile .
13 I was the one he was looking for , and he was the one I was looking for . ’
14 I have no doubt that Nelson Mandela now knows the real voice of Britain is the one which he heard ringing out of Wembley , and not the one he hears calling from Number 10 for the letting up of sanctions .
15 When he won the agriculture portfolio , the one he wanted , Irish farmers were delighted .
16 The one he wears for visiting ? ’
17 Of all the techniques of counter-interrogation practised by Mr Kinnock , the one he has utterly perfected is the old rule which was once memorably summarised by the Sundance Kid : ‘ Keep talking , Butch , that 's what you 're good at . ’
18 ‘ I called a taxi and went home and passed the accident on the way , but I did n't realise it was the one he meant .
19 She sat him in the biggest chair , the one he always hid behind , and looked deep into his eyes .
20 He showed Wednesday a few of his favourites , including the old workshop , the small room with the cutlery stuck into the walls and the one he had discovered the week before with a huge oak tree growing through the floor .
21 Eventually , after looking at several different rooms , Endill chose the one he wanted .
22 Endill glanced at the title of the one he was holding .
23 He passed the gun up to Louis , the tallest of the Latinos , the one he thought of as their leader .
24 Ponchos , like the one he 'd used as protection on the roof , covered their khaki uniforms .
25 I have not succeeded in finding a clear-cut English instance [ excluding Swift ] in which a satirist , on an economic issue , was attacking a social group clearly higher than the one he belonged to or had been hired to serve .
26 She was going to use the sainted patience ploy , the one he found most difficult to handle .
27 You 'll see when we see today 's film run that this response wo n't have been nearly as rapid as the one he 'll show when Miss Quinn takes him . ’
28 Harry Symmonds gave evidence that the carpet bag holding one of the tiny bodies found in Clapper 's Pool was the one he had brought to Mrs Dyer 's house .
29 But soon the colleges came to grips with Little Shop of Horrors as a topic for campus debate the world over , and they decided that Corman was telling them that he was not trying to hide the fact that it was a cheaply made film — this was the one he shot in two days — but he was n't trying to pass it off as serious movie-making either .
30 It was half the size of the one he had just left , he noticed , unusually observant .
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