Example sentences of "the [noun sg] group " in BNC.

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1 Figure 1 shows the timing of elimination of viral parameters and sustained aspartate aminotransferase normalisation in the response group .
2 The pretreatment serum HBV-DNA level was lower and the aspartate aminotransferase level higher in the response group .
3 Thus a certain sales figure may remain as the target but the spending habits of the income group from which the sales were to come may have shifted .
4 The largest party , or a coalition of parties , forms the majority group and the next largest party , or coalition , the minority group , sometimes termed ‘ the opposition ’ .
5 The member elected as leader of the majority group usually becomes ‘ leader of the Council ’ and the member elected by the largest minority group ‘ leader of the Opposition ’ .
6 If the sign said ‘ Parking — No Caravans ’ , a restricted class can not use the field , but as the majority group could use it the field would be a public place .
7 First , workers as the majority group in the electorate might rationally choose to maintain capitalism , not because they are duped by the dominant ideology but because their individual interests are better met under redistributive capitalism than through a painful transition to socialism , which could only conceivably deliver net benefits in the very long run .
8 First , the leader of the majority group now becomes the leader of the council — a position many officers were reluctant to recognise even a few years ago — and acts as a political ‘ chief executive ’ .
9 The other members of this committee have sometimes been drawn exclusively from the majority group leadership .
10 The G.L.C. decided to implement a resolution , which had been included by the majority group in their manifesto , to reduce fares by 25 per cent .
11 Despite the unremitting hostility of the Opposition Front-Bench team , I am glad to say that the majority group on the present Liverpool city council , in contrast to its predecessor , is showing interest in a housing action trust and my Department is discussing the matter with it .
12 One of the dissenting judges , Justice Harry Blackmun , criticized the majority group for engaging in a " slash and burn expedition " designed to keep environmental cases out of court .
13 Lord Mayor , may I begin by congratulating so many from the majority group for taking the time to attend today 's Council meeting .
14 Now , partly I think as a result of the numbers being fewer , but partly as a result of simply a greater awareness of need , I think , the schools are more caring places , they do try erm not to treat erm minority groups as just annoying variants on the majority group , they try to erm think through their problems and to help to meet them .
15 THE founder of the Guardian Angels yesterday admitted a string of hoaxes to win support for the vigilante group .
16 During adolescence , the teenager may develop special meanings for certain words known only to the peer group and not understood by adults .
17 there is little point in correcting the spoken language of pupils in any general way and as part of their routine language use because it is unlikely to have a beneficial effect : against the pressure of home and the peer group , teachers can have little hope of changing how pupils speak .
18 Can we imagine a culture in which the peer group characteristics of boys and girls are reversed , boys being cooperative and other-oriented , girls being direct and confrontational ?
19 He argued that these were : a desire to secure career advancement or at least not prejudice career chances ; a willingness to push matters in order to measure his own cleverness and particularly dexterity at getting around the rules ; to experience the satisfaction which comes from having the power that goes both with high corporate status and criminally victimizing other organizations or persons ; a need to maintain his position within the peer group or family network .
20 The power of the peer group to control a deviant is known and used by both managers and union officials .
21 The dramaturgical metaphor would suggest that we look to the audience for the arbitration of the action , and it is perhaps no surprise that the peer group emerged as crucial in this respect .
22 This agency , called the peer group , is probably the first means by which children encounter ideas and ways of behaving different from those at home .
23 So , in the classroom , as in the family and the peer group , socialisation largely takes place as an unintended consequence of the interaction of its members .
24 I also work for the peer group for the Brook
25 The lack of fully bilingual teachers , the dominance of ‘ hearing culture ’ among the peer group , and the tendency for the home language of the vast majority of deaf people to be an inaccessible spoken language militate against full integration from birth .
26 The location of the environment is immaterial compared with the language environment , the breadth of knowledge of teaching staff and the peer group , and the fluency of communication .
27 Several people mentioned that fellow students had learned a great deal about many aspects of disability through having them in the peer group .
28 The sufferer is con-fronted with truth — as seen by the peer group of patients — rather than the version of it that corresponds to a false picture that only he or she perceives and finds acceptable .
29 Whereas the standards and styles set by the peer group can set highly influential markers around acceptable and unacceptable behaviours for young people it is in individual friendships that young people find support and security , negotiate their emotional independence , exchange information , put beliefs and feelings into words and develop a new and different perspective of themselves .
30 The role of the peer group
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