Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 The extra constraints that are placed on the input by considering the tag in the context of each of the three positions in the trigram window ( i.e. start , middle and end of the trigram ) improve the selection of the correct word from the lattice .
2 The highest LPF ( recognition score ) of the words having the tag in that position .
3 She says I put the tag in here .
4 So the porter in the Valley station here came , brought them on the hand cart he had .
5 Mr Zivkovic , a draughtsman who lived in Britain for 24 years after the war but now lives in Tasmania , Australia , was giving evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations by Mr Nikolai Tolstoy and Mr Nigel Watts that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs .
6 The judge had earlier given leave for Dr Odling-Smee to be called to give evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations in a pamphlet that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs who surrendered to the British in southern Austria in May 1945 .
7 At some point , between the end of the prosecution in December and the beginning of the defence in February , Noriega 's lawyers abandoned what was to be a sensational defence : a claim that Noriega was a dupe of CIA-contract pilots running guns to Nicaraguan Contras and returning home via Panama with cocaine .
8 Evidence from Cuba 's President Castro , video-taped by the defence in Havana , was also abandoned .
9 As we shall see in Chapter 5 , the defence in fact proved conclusive in the GCHQ case itself .
10 This meant that the jury must have accepted the defence in relation to one charge but not in relation to the other .
11 Three of the psychologists reporting for the defence in this case ( Olive Tunstall , Gisli Gudjonsson and Lionel Haward ) , together with Eysenck , whom the court refused to listen to , were understandably piqued by the stance taken by the court .
12 It is like the Lord Chief Justice giving evidence for the defence in an appeal case .
13 It has been suggested that the President will instruct the Attorney General to appear for the defence in any trial of Dr Proctor , so important is the doctor 's contribution to the administration considered to be .
14 The House of Lords held , in effect , that since the applicant was arguing that he had a contractual right under his lease to remain at the lower rent , he was asserting private law rights and so could raise the defence in the possession proceedings in the County Court and did not have to raise it by means of an AJR .
15 ‘ We put patriotism and self-sacrifice into them , and there is no doubt that after they have learnt a certain amount of that , ’ he explained as he outlined his strategy to the National Defence Association , ‘ they will feel bound to take up the defence in one form or another , should it be necessary , when the time comes . ’
16 Such case as the defence were able to make depended , like the defence in some of the cases cited above , almost entirely on the defendant 's credibility if it was to have any prospect of success and therefore the misdirection was material .
17 For an application of the defence in a case where a claimant , in order to make good his claim , was obliged to assert his own fraudulent purpose I was referred to Palaniappa Chettiar v. Arunasalam Chettiar [ 1962 ] A.C. 294 .
18 the House of Lords criticised the application of the defence in Nichols v. Marsland , and four of their lordships cast doubt on the finding of facts by the jury in that case .
19 This reading of the section is reinforced by the existence of the defence in section 5(3) ( a ) that the actor had no reason to believe that there was any person within sight or hearing likely to suffer harassment , alarm or distress .
20 First , there may be a case for shifting the evidential burden of establishing consent on to the shoulders of the defence in certain cases , such as where there is evidence of injury inflicted by the defendant , where weapons are used or where sexual intercourse takes place in the context of the commission of another grave offence .
21 The defence in section 24(3) may therefore be a last resort .
22 It falls finally to mention the defence in section 25 ( available on any charge under the Trade Descriptions Acts ) .
23 The speeches by and in support of the hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West raised important questions of principle that govern three important matters : first , the need for open justice ; secondly , the provision of proper opportunities for the defence in criminal proceedings to deploy the case on which the defence relies ; and thirdly , the issue on which we focused most , the effect of the existence of those rights on third parties who necessarily can play no part in the proceedings and who consequently have no immediate opportunity to defend themselves or their reputations .
24 Mahomed had appeared for the defence in a number of political trials , became the first black Senior Counsel in 1974 , and had since become president of the Lesotho Court of Appeal , a member of Swaziland 's Court of Appeal , and a member of the Supreme Court in Namibia , whose Constitution he helped to draft .
25 An objection to the use of the defence in this case was that it enabled the court to evade the statutory prohibition on applying volenti non fit injuria .
26 Whig lawyers , such as Treby and Somers , served as counsel for the defence in the bishops ' trial , a curious development considering the mutual antipathy between bishops and Whigs during the Exclusion Crisis .
27 The defence in general is 200% better than at the start of the year .
28 But the response in the 1970s was very different from the response in the 1980s .
29 But the response in the 1970s was very different from the response in the 1980s .
30 Indeed , Alain Sroufe at the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota , urges that we stop trying to find the response in the child 's physiology , and learn instead to think of it as an ‘ organisational construct ’ , an economic way in which the experimenter can characterise the pattern of behavioural linkages between the child and its environment .
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