Example sentences of "her [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It was gratifying to have people shake her hand who once would n't have given her the time of day , and when she walked through the dreary rooms where evidence of the late Adelaide Morey still abounded she had trouble convincing herself that she was now the mistress here .
2 The comments and questions with which Ace and Daak interrupted the Professor 's story did n't annoy Defries : she found that the breaks gave her the time she needed to stretch her credulity .
3 He knew better than to ask her the time ; she was edgy enough as it was .
4 He had sprung out at her from nowhere , not even giving her the time to brace herself against him .
5 Swinging himself into the saddle , Guy turned Chalon 's head towards Winchester and began to consider the various means whereby he could ensure that Isabel belonged to him while he was giving her the time she needed .
6 The assassin gave her no time to cry out ; a flare of terror — what am I doing here who is that behind me dark dark someone behind me — and Fox tightened her hold on the other 's mind , taking control .
7 He gave her no time to start crying .
8 And of course , it took her no time to work out that precisely the opposite would apply to the beams coming at her from the front of the craft .
9 But he gave her no time to explain .
10 It took her no time at all to turn over the bed along by the rickety fence .
11 He must have seen her marshalling her arguments , for he gave her no time to use them .
12 He fairly hauled her along the street afterwards , giving her no time for nerves as they reached a white-painted door with a large brass dragon for a knocker .
13 Oh , she had n't missed Naylor 's eyes on her a time or two when she exchanged some comment with Travis — but surely he did n't expect her to ignore him !
14 Or did you not tell her a time ?
15 What time did you tell Marg , or did you not tell her a time ?
16 A small , thin tabby , she spent her life trying to work out the central dilemmas of her life — how to get in and out of the house , and why the fat man called Henry tried to kick her every time the two other people in the house were out of the way .
17 ‘ Should I really ? ’ she said , looking at the wine glass doubtfully , speaking as much to dispel the strange feeling that was coming over her every time she looked at him as to reassure herself over the wine .
18 But of course we were you know crossing our fingers and she went to her every time .
19 Fernando had beaten her every time they played so a practice session on her own might be a good idea .
20 When Rachel had recovered from the customary burst of rage which Damian Flint so effortlessly produced in her every time she saw him , she went out on to the terrace , putting on a brave smile for her father .
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