Example sentences of "because she want " in BNC.

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1 Mother says : If someone does something , it is probably because she wants to .
2 This is not always easy , especially when the relationship is going through a sticky patch , but if they can feel close from time to time , the pulling-back will happen less , and Elizabeth could reassure Harry that just because she wants to do things for herself does n't mean that she does n't want him .
3 As an example , let's say a friend asks to see you in the morning before work because she wants to talk to you .
4 Both philology and Catholicism are here presented as ‘ languages ’ which Julia is unable to master because she wants to question them and change them rather than accept their inherent systematicity .
5 She 'll also learn that she ca n't ride someone 's bike , just because she wants to .
6 Well because she wants the jewels that 's why she 's she 's sort of like er
7 Not really because she wants , does n't want to elope with him , she wants her jewels .
8 Sue says there are times when she does n't feel like training but she presses on because she wants to be number one .
9 you know there 's no ifs and buts skiving off because she wants to do something else .
10 Er er and er I 'm not saying that there is necessarily , but even if there was she 's not going to because she wants to preserve her , her referrals .
11 Cos the thing is as well , I might be inclined to get a two anyway , because she wants it to last a little while do n't she ?
12 The only thing she offers is sort of help with Peter but that 's because she wants Peter .
13 Not because she wants to help us .
14 But she said , look at that I run up with ! , well remember that because she wants a dress made well it 's disgraceful !
15 You know what I mean and erm she wants this job because she wants the money and , but I do n't really think that you know , she , she er , had the time to two jobs because she has three young children anyhow , I know that 's her problem , erm you know who looks after them or what .
16 because she wants
17 Then he understood that she was not going to help him , because she wanted him to make the choice .
18 ‘ I wouldn't. ever want to be a princess , ’ Dot sometimes said , because she wanted so much to be one .
19 ‘ She deliberately kept us in the dark because she wanted to prove that she could get over this monster barrier of performing live on her own .
20 ‘ I 'd think perhaps she was killed because she wanted too much … and because she would n't have an abortion . ’
21 It was my Brazilian-born wife — who you see is my accompanist — who insisted we accept engagements in Europe because she wanted to see where I grew up .
22 She had n't become a whore because she wanted to ; it was because the money of perverted old men had offered her an easy way out of poverty — those same old men who would clamour for the investigation to be dropped .
23 Britain encouraged the growth of Zionism in Palestine in the early years of the First World War because she wanted American Jews to ally their country in the war against Turkey .
24 Shirley questioned Diane because she wanted to find out what had happened .
25 She had turned down their invitation tonight , partly because she was tired , and partly because she wanted to read the typed hand-outs which had accompanied the day 's lectures .
26 She quickly explained that she had come less on account of an actual problem in her marriage than because she wanted to ‘ consult ’ an expert .
27 She had n't been out because she wanted to stay in and look after Bradley .
28 He held out his arms then , and because she hurt so much , because she wanted to be a little girl again , she went to him and the tears came .
29 She sent Gwenellen to sit with him , because she wanted to tell me about a telephone call from General Francis .
30 ‘ It 's because she wanted us to shag her . ’
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