Example sentences of "her as an " in BNC.

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1 At Brighton last week Mr Kinnock had portrayed her as an anachronism as the Nineties dawned , ‘ out of step , out of touch , out of date ’ .
2 She stumbled over the words , muttered and blushed , her duplicity and stupidity so abundantly clear to her that she was surprised that the charming young woman did not immediately leap to her feet , denounce her as an impostor and throw her out onto the street again .
3 Fourth , I saw her as an example of God 's grace .
4 This appalled Mrs Browning , who said at once that it was God using her as an instrument and that Wilson should have had more faith .
5 ILONA lives in Munich with her husband because US Immigration regards her as an undesirable .
6 Another 17-year-old girl kept up a regular correspondence with her natural mother and went to see her once or twice a year referring to her as an ‘ auntie ’ .
7 Of course , there also appear to have been a good number of people who regarded her as an eccentric or a ‘ mope ’ .
8 It would be incongruous to see her as an influence on later writers who may never have heard of her .
9 The situation was so dreadful , so nightmarish , their details did not matter , they just confronted her as an abomination which was capable of driving her mad .
10 Jack jokingly referred to her as an addition to the family .
11 The folk of the castle clachan accepted her as an oddity , the way their eyes slipped over her , but harmless .
12 But if not , how has her work in algal taxono or her dives into the Galapagos Rift prepared her as an expert on the moving business ?
13 It can be very nice for an older woman to have a partner who treats her as an equal , ’ says Dr Tysoe .
14 Her mother-in-law 's days were spent at her embroidery or visiting friends whom Tamar felt despised her as an outsider .
15 She joined an insurance company , which trained her as an accounts clerk .
16 In recent months the presidential asset has been the subject of some distinctly unflattering news articles , including a long Vanity Fair magazine story that painted her as an autocrat angry with her husband and out of touch with her family .
17 This solitary travelling , in an age when travel was dangerous , may seem to show her as an indomitable and independent woman , like Mary Kingsley in the nineteenth century ; but in fact , like most psychotics , she was extremely dependent on others .
18 He is inexplicably nasty about the Met 's greatest patroness , Jayne Wrightsman , characterising her as an ‘ American geisha ’ and ‘ cardboard thin — moving through life by rote ’ , unkind considering that she funded many of his major triumphs .
19 Her sexual appetite and expertise at that early age had endeared her to a senior officer who then enlisted her as an agent .
20 Arnold in no way undervalues her as an artist .
21 All that is required is that she should climb better , harder , in more desperate circumstances than every man on the planet and we men will accept her as an equal .
22 She was still the only female field operative in the organization but her gutsy determination and self-confidence had won over her male colleagues who now regarded her as an equal .
23 This did not prevent Minton 's relationship with Susan Einzig becoming , for her , one of the most important in her life and his positive influence on her as an artist endures to this day .
24 She had never met Naomi in her life , but in death she grew to love her : she had taken her into herself , had learned her likings , had read her books and tried ( although not herself musical ) to listen to her music , she had spoken much of her to the children , had insisted upon treating her as an ally , as a friend beyond the grave , had reinvented her and kept her close to them — oh , not without awareness of the dangers , of the necessary distortions and consolations , but then all life is danger , and Liz had embarked willingly upon its full tide with those three small boys , with that ambitious , importunate widower and that friendly ghost .
25 Just as mainstream Surrealism made a point of emphasising the intuitive powers of women , and delighted in portraying her as an earthbound sorceress , so many women artists also presented their image as subject to the cycles of nature and magical forces .
26 Her main fear was that the court would regard her as an unfit mother because of her sexuality .
27 He 'd become more aware of her as an attractive girl with a very feminine figure that the fashionable flat-chested dress styles could not conceal .
28 The fact that she had no money of her own did n't strike her as an obstacle ; the Suffragettes had reinforced her natural contempt for people who worried about money .
29 Harriet carried the memory around with her as an image of horror , like the sickness in her own body .
30 I ca n't respect her as an aunt .
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