Example sentences of "because [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Importantly , Sahlins does not privilege one perspective over the other : the British perspective is not treated as better or more informed because to treat it as such would be to accept unquestioningly the categories out of which this perspective constructed its realities .
2 I think the death of David 's father was probably what took him a while to make the decision about leaving Ken , because to lose his father , who he really adored , who had always been a pillar of strength to him , changed his life , and I think David carried a bitterness about him dying for a long time .
3 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
4 Alice decided to sleep in the sitting-room again , because to choose herself a room would be a final separation .
5 Because to put it in the kind of terms which the man would best understand , the book is a monumental cock-up .
6 A child will learn far more about a dandelion if he has to draw it because to draw it he must observe it very carefully and the drawing of it will implant the shape and colour and texture firmly in his mind , even though his drawing may not be very good or life-like .
7 well needs a I think one of the things we discussed in the branch action group meeting is actually , were n't quite sure what the cos we 'd been sending out for quite less than ten of the branches because to do something to them which was mm apparently lots of them in but erm well they keep disappearing so that the what we 've been talking about is to try and get some points erm health and safety station within the branch , which actually just has all this stuff for it .
8 ‘ There is no easy decision because to let everything stay as it is means to let the Communist explosion which took place at the Congress spread across Russia . ’
9 Paige had raised her eyebrows at Lori 's claim , but had said nothing , because to give her an opening was only to invite more of the same .
10 She will see those who have committed themselves to the traditional model of education , some as a matter of principle , but others because to question it opens up too big a can of worms .
11 Uncovering hidden objections is crucial to successful selling because to convince someone it is necessary to know what he/she needs to be convinced of .
12 They are there because to have something distinctive to say can frequently call for a distinctive way of saying it-a way that will make an author 's words come fresh and vivid off the page .
13 This call the lesser chamber because to distinguish it from the greater chamber .
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