Example sentences of "because [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Importantly , Sahlins does not privilege one perspective over the other : the British perspective is not treated as better or more informed because to treat it as such would be to accept unquestioningly the categories out of which this perspective constructed its realities .
2 ‘ They decided not to use it on this trip because opening it might disrupt the passengers .
3 mind you might , might of taken some because say they took some in Valentine down there
4 Because say you 're living with us , that does affect us .
5 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
6 Right , that is the most common sort of camp on , because say I call Hilary who is engaged , the codes on the card , which is the code for the camp on ?
7 Erm , so playgroups I feel need , erm , particularly for certain children , they need to find assisted places of some sort , because say it 's one eighty a session , and they need several sessions a week , if they 're to benefit from it , and one eighty or one seventy or whatever the cost is , which I think is round about that figure , erm , is not something that a family normally would have priority , the , the kind of family who has to have erm , needs , special needs anyway themselves .
8 This particular aspect of thematic organization is of special relevance in translation because understanding it can help to heighten our awareness of meaningful choices made by speakers and writers in the course of communication .
9 I think the I I 'm pleased that this is in the in B , because let 'em know how we feel about it .
10 And I think it is , we would all agree , that it is essential that an agreement which is acceptable to all sides is reached , and I 'm sure that it 's going to be because let us not forget that we 're not in business to remain in perpetual opposition if we are to achieve proper rights for employees , which have been so reduced by the Conservatives if we are to save the welfare state , which is now so under threat if we are to obtain decent health and education services , which are also under threat if we are to create a strong economy and a strong recovery which provides the jobs which we so desperately need then we must win power !
11 People with whom one has had personal or professional differences — a row or a clash of principle — are best avoided ( albeit sometimes with real regret ) because meeting them might demand emotional resources that are n't there , open old wounds , or challenge one 's public certainties that in fact feel all too precarious .
12 George Eliot had loved the bonnets and sprigged china — because she knew them , or because writing them down gave her power over them , made her gentle and generous to their meaning ?
13 More and more plants are sold in pots , because growing them from seed takes too long .
14 Because to put it in the kind of terms which the man would best understand , the book is a monumental cock-up .
15 I do n't know er why we 're not more continually erm more on the case as far as our members of parliament are concerned because remember they 're there for our benefit and front page of the Daily Mirror this morning .
16 A child will learn far more about a dandelion if he has to draw it because to draw it he must observe it very carefully and the drawing of it will implant the shape and colour and texture firmly in his mind , even though his drawing may not be very good or life-like .
17 How many people have done their , at my age , done their feet in because wearing them I do n't know .
18 Paige had raised her eyebrows at Lori 's claim , but had said nothing , because to give her an opening was only to invite more of the same .
19 He says I come on too strong with these men , not sexually because believe me , I do n't .
20 And er the reason we took the biggest jug we could find it was n't so much to feed two children in the house you 're parents also wanted a bowl because believe me in those times we were we were hungry , we were dear , very very hungry .
21 She will see those who have committed themselves to the traditional model of education , some as a matter of principle , but others because to question it opens up too big a can of worms .
22 Black pepper is a proper and good inclusion , because stirring it in to a hot dish a few minutes before serving releases wonderful flavour .
23 They will probably err on the side of caution whenever attempting to unravel the cause of death because recording it as occupationally induced requires the subsequent payment of industrial death benefits .
24 The applications given in texts are not there as evidence , but because learning them is part of learning the paradigm at the base of current practice .
25 Because turn it off a minute
26 Now I noticed this with in the sitting room this year I got John , friend of Nev 's to repaint the walls because do you remember they were called soft peach ?
27 Mm because do you remember when we had to go and collect her ?
28 Well that 's what they should do every year because do you know what it was much better this year .
29 Well I said what he ought to do tonight , is be going to bed and have an early because do you know every flipping
30 Cover the variations in speed , I 'm going to try and define it in pages rather than speed , because finding it difficult is speed , whereas if you got a sl a slow speaker there are longer pauses and hesitations .
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