Example sentences of "like [adv] many " in BNC.

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1 Like so many peasant foods , the essence of pasta is its simplicity .
2 This particular accident , like so many others , would never have happened if just one of the dozen or so people at the launch point had recognised the danger and shouted ‘ stop ’ .
3 Cynics may scoff that he is yet another stiff-upper-lip , old-soldier type , having come like so many of the august men of the Club from a military background before moving on to sugar .
4 Like so many of Lonsdale 's ladies she is surprising ; yet she speaks to us with a directness that wipes out the centuries .
5 Like so many of High Top 's stock , Top Class is developing late .
6 Like so many women of her age , Belinda wanted her baby very much and felt that it was a miracle when she became pregnant .
7 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
8 ‘ Food poisoning ’ , for instance , shows the effect of the 44,000 cases of the ‘ runs ’ reported this year with a cartoon strip depicting bacteria like so many vengeful Smurfs .
9 Like so many in the New Zealand tour party , Fox has never experienced the intimidating atmosphere generated at the great sporting shrine and may have taken time to slip into the groove .
10 His being ‘ the Matthew Arnold of his time ’ again connects , through the scarecrow image , with the Hollow Men who , like so many of Eliot 's literary adversaries , are afflicted with a stuffed language , emptily ‘ poetic ’ , the degradation of great poetry —
11 By the 1920s Manupur , like so many other villages in Punjab , was dominated by the moneylending class who were Brahmins by caste .
12 Like so many American cars the Spirit is a seven-tenths machine .
13 ‘ Actually , ’ he said , ‘ it 's like so many things in life — something you go through with once , because you have to .
14 Like so many of the films that were to be made during the Second World War , The Four Just Men does n't only draw attention to the nature of the enemy ; it also presents an evocative picture of just what it is that is under threat — ‘ all the roads and rivers , fields add woods and hills that make up this funny old island . ’
15 Like so many investors , Mr Tyson found himself having to go back to work to ease the financial strain he had hoped to avoid .
16 Alas , like so many things which get into the history books , it was n't quite like that .
17 The child is right , this escalator , like so many on the London Underground network , has not been in operation for months .
18 The house is tall , like so many Georgian Shropshire houses , and was probably built by a man from Ludlow .
19 Like so many of the problems threatening dolphins all over the world , the Chilean crab bait scandal is easily addressed .
20 THE current crackdown on Soviet press and television is , like so many of President Gorbachev 's policies , a probably unworkable muddle .
21 All this leaves Mr Major , like so many of his predecessors , earnestly trying to talk down wages .
22 Like so many of Mr Murdoch 's gambles , the potential pay-off of his stroll into California 's Silicon Valley is enormous — but too far away to help pay his debts today .
23 Like so many of the men now rising to leadership in poor countries , he has done a stint at the World Bank , and is regarded as capable .
24 They too were a family of skilled craftsmen and , like so many of the first two generations of South Wales industrial settlers , retained a small interest in country matters , raising pigs and often keeping a pony or two on the outskirts of their villages .
25 Like so many Permanent Secretaries , Ken was a substantial politician in his own right and knew every byway of Whitehall , in particular how to process decisions through the government machine .
26 Today , fortunately , that dictatorship , like so many others , has crumbled into dust , and Catalan literature and culture are flourishing .
27 Her father , like so many country parsons of his day , had interested himself , among other homely pursuits , in keeping chickens .
28 Computer science , though one of the younger disciplines , relies like so many others on mathematics , and this happy relationship works both ways .
29 Those hardy souls in the present century who ignore the mysteries and regard themselves as random atoms , moving purposelessly in a world of blind chance , must necessarily behave differently from those who , like so many in the nineteenth century , believed that they inhabited an ordered world in which they had moral duties to perform , even if these were obscurely glimpsed and seldom accomplished .
30 We tumbled down into the hole like so many Alices and gazed in wonder around us .
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